Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Evidence: Collusion, Conflict of Interest at FDA and Aspartame
There are more than 67 articles here at Natural Health News concerning the products and problems with artificial sweeteners.
Here is something new to consider: During Ronald Reagan's tenure in the White House he selected Arthur Hull Hayes as FDA Commissioner.
Even though aspartame had been on the market in 1974, it was banned in 1975 because of testimony by John Olney MD, a neurologist. Dr, Olney's work raised issues about the safety of aspartame and brain cell damage. The cancer issue was also raised.
With 92 allowed adverse reactions to aspartame at the FDA, even though more have been reported, we know there is a problem. After all, aspartame, like sucralose, began as a pesticide with very sweet taste.
Reagan like Diet Pepsi just like Michael J. Fox. Fox has Parkinson's and Reagan died from Alzheimer's. Both diagnoses are known to be related to aspartame exposure.
Now, as exposed by Lane Shore, we know Arthur Hull Hayes is listed as one of the inventors of aspartame.
From McGill's Choice (Salem Press), Inventions and Inventors: Volume I, noted under "Aspartame".
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Flea Treatment Harmful to Pets
Killing Fleas and Ticks May Be Harming Your Pet
The EPA is investigating reports of skin irritation, seizures and even death from between-the-shoulder flea and tick treatments for dogs and cats.
Flea and tick treatments for pets fall into that murky area in a lot of consumers' minds: We know the chemicals are designed to ward off or kill bugs ... but somehow we don't associate the products with the term "pesticides."
But the Environmental Protection Agency has received an increasing number of reports of pets having adverse reactions to "spot-on pesticide products" -- those between-the-shoulder liquid treatments designed to infuse the pet's skin with pest-fighting toxicity. Now the agency is taking a harder look at the potential toxicity of these products. "Adverse reactions reported range from mild effects such as skin irritation to more serious effects such as seizures and, in some cases, the death of pets," the organization reports.
Previously, the Natural Resources Defense Council reported that people can be exposed to flea and tick pesticides at 1,000 times the recommended safe dosage just from petting a dog or cat that has been treated.
Beyond Pesticides recommends these alternatives to spot-on treatments:
* Vacuum daily during flea season with a strong vacuum cleaner, changing the bag often
* Groom pets with a flea comb daily, using soapy water to dunk and clean the comb between strokes
* Bathe pets frequently with soap and water
* Restrict pets to a single bed and wash bedding frequently to kill larvae
* Consult Beyond Pesticides' Least-Toxic Control of Fleas and Least-Toxic Control of Ticks
The NRDC has similar recommendations:
* Frequent use of a flea comb
* Regular bathing of pets
* Regular vacuuming and washing of pet bedding
* Administering of chemical flea and tick controls by pill, only when absolutely necessary (find the least-toxic products at NRDC's
Find this article by Dan Shapley at:
Anti-Acid Drugs, H. Pylori, Vitamin C
While we often see an increase in H. pylori with the increases in anti-biotics and anti-fungal drug use, we often don't see vitamins in a good light.
Of course anti-acid drugs depress immune function in the stomach because they suppress hydrochloric acid.
HCl fights food poisoning. Vitamin C is a major approach to food poisoning in higher doses, but of course those relying on drugs rarely see the benefits of supplements. The media follow suit.
And then of course there are other approaches. One is to first look to determine if the person has too low HCl as a cause of their reflux problem or properly evaluate for food allergy.
Take more vitamin C daily and also consider using BioPrin. BioPrin is an herbal compound thoroughly tested at Dana Farber and it is pharmaceutical grade as well as available through professionals only. Contact us for more information.
In the interim, start asking the correct questions at your doctor's office if you are dealing with this concern.
Topic: Vitamin C added to Standard H.Pylori Drug Treatment Increases Eradication Rate
Keywords: H. PYLORI, HELICOBACTER PYLORI, INFECTION - Vitamin C, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Bismuth, Omeprazole
Reference: "The efficacy of Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen with and without vitamin C supplementation," Zojaji H, Talaie R, et al, Dig Liver Dis, 2009 June 1; [Epub ahead of print]. (Address: Research Center for Gastroenterology and Liver Disease, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: ).
Summary: In a study involving 312 patients with H. pylori infection, supplementation with vitamin C (500 mg/d) in addition to the standard H. pylori drug treatment regimen (consisting of 1 g amoxicillin, 500 mg b.i.d. metronidazole, 240 mg b.i.d. bismuth, and 40 mg q.i.d. omeprazole) was found to significantly increase H. pylori eradication rate, as found in urea breath tests conducted 4 weeks after the intervention, as compared to subjects who received the drug treatment alone. These results suggest that patients with H. pylori may benefit from supplementation with 500 mg/d vitamin C during the course of their standard drug treatment therapy.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Swiss Move to Protect Right to Access Natural Health Care
From them I learned a very interesting fact. On May 17, 2009, the people of Switzerland voted in favor of a constitutional amendment that supports the use of complementary medicine (CAM). A total of 67 percent of the population voted in favor. Thus Switzerland becomes the first country in Europe to set out in its constitution authority for the national government and its constituent states to take CAM into consideration in its health services. It is an astonishing victory and may set the model for other countries as well. I hope to go to Switzerland at some point in the future to see how this change is affecting medical care, particularly the treatment of cancer.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Electronic Records, Data Mining and Your Health
Along with drug data and prescribing activity used by CVS and other large pharmacy chains, web sites like Reeal Age are known to have been selling your data for profit.
’Data mining’ for drug companies goes to courts
By Associated Press | Saturday, June 20, 2009 | | Healthcare
MONTPELIER, Vt. — The prescription drugs you take are on the minds of a lot of people: judges on two federal courts, legislators in several states, countless doctors and, at the center, the companies that make money by figuring out who’s prescribing what.
"Data-mining" firms — which gather electronic information on the drugs prescribers order for their patients, then sell that information to pharmaceutical companies — have sued to block laws restricting their activities in New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont.
At issue is the use by drug company "detailers" — the sales force that deals with doctors and other prescribers and tries to get them to use the company’s products — of the information about doctors’ prescribing habits.
If, for example, a doctor usually uses one company’s antidepressant drug instead of another’s, that can be valuable information for a detailer trying to get the doctor to switch.
In upholding the New Hampshire law, 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston found the result of the activity is often higher drug costs, because the detailer usually is trying to steer the prescriber toward the newest, most expensive, medicines.
The data mining companies are set to appear Tuesday at the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York to ask a three-judge panel to block Vermont’s law from taking effect July 1.
And the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide by the end of the month whether to hear the data-mining companies’ appeal of the Boston court’s decision on the New Hampshire law. The Boston court has put a separate Maine case on hold until New Hampshire’s is resolved.
The issue has come up in more than 20 state legislatures, advocates on both sides said.
Randy Frankel, vice president for external affairs at IMS Health, said restricting the ability of his and similar companies to collect doctors’ prescribing data could hurt more than just commercial activity.
The data also are used to help law enforcement track when narcotic drug prescriptions spike; they help academic and government researchers follow drug safety and help aim information at doctors prescribing a drug when new side effects or other issues crop up, Frankel said.
"These data have enormous value to the public good," he said.
Maine state Rep. Sharon Treat, D-Hallowell, head of a national group of lawmakers following drug issues, said the data-mining companies’ "bread and butter" is selling the information to drug companies to bolster their marketing efforts.
The more that doctors are urged to use expensive drugs rather than generics, the less money there is to spread around to deliver the most health care to the most people, Treat said. She argued that’s a bad idea when many states are cutting people from public and subsidized health programs in budget-cutting moves.
The data companies, IMS Health Inc. and SDI, argue that restricting the data collection and use violates their and the drug companies’ First Amendment free speech rights to collect and use the information.
But the Boston court rejected the First Amendment argument, saying the issue was less a matter of speech than of conduct. In both that court and the U.S. District Court in Vermont, judges ruled that commercial speech can be regulated without violating the First Amendment, and that what the data-mining companies were doing fell into that category.
Treat concurred that "this isn’t about speech. They’re trying to change behavior" — the behavior of health providers in deciding which kinds of drugs to prescribe.
"That’s what it’s all about," Treat said. "What it’s not about necessarily is good health care."
On the Net:National Legislative Association on Prescription Drug Prices:
Article URL:
At the same time as data mining companies are suing to get access to this data in states where it is prohibited, Big Pharma is making half-baked back room deals with Baucus and others to try to boost appearances of something real happening in DC on Plan D.
Emerging $80B deal would help fund Medicare drugs
So far an unmentionable on either side of the asile is the idea that freedom of choice in this discussion should be considered.
The preventive and curative nature of vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements continue to be ignored and, according to the National Health Federation's support of the efforts of (More factual information on Codex can be found at
Consider this from CodexFund's FAQ page -
The 2005 Guidelines are in Direct Conflict with Existing US Law - the Proxmire Amendment of 1976.
In 1976, Congress passed the Proxmire Amendments to stop FDA from establishing standards limiting potency of vitamins and minerals in food supplements or regulating them as drugs based solely on potency. (PL-94-278 Section 501 (a)).
Throughout the 1960s and early 1970s, the FDA initiated measures to reclassify vitamins and minerals with a potency of 150% or more of their recommended daily allowance (RDA) be classified as drugs. (Vitamins A and D were to be classified as drugs at 100% of their RDA.) Congress considered these actions as infringements on consumer's freedom of choice and amended the law to forbid the FDA from setting such limits. The law, which became known as the Proxmire Amendment barred the FDA from setting the composition or maximum potency of vitamins, minerals, or combinations thereof, unless they were of a specified type (e.g., toxic, habit-forming, administered by a doctor) or unless they were intended for use by a specified clientele (e.g., by individuals in the treatment of specific diseases or disorders, by children, by pregnant women).
Dave Lindorf writes, "But you cannot achieve the twin goals of reducing health care costs and providing access to health care to 50 million uninsured people, while leaving the profit centers of the current system—doctors, hospitals and the health insurance industry—in charge and in a position to continue to reap profits."
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Health Costs Set to Rise Again
Because most people have some kind of insurance they equate it with health. People who have no insurance use whatever means they find, usually emergency rooms, to get care for their medical concerns.
We don't have a health care system in the US. We have a sickness and medical/pharmaceutical model master controlled by corporate insurers who wield a heavy hand in already dertermining kind and amount of care. It's no wonder doctors create over-utilization; they want to keep up their income.
A similar issue is related to why we have so few internists/GPs (family docs). But we need other models as well. And I'm not referring to the small faction of licensed hybrid medical naturopaths who too follow the Newtonian limited perspective of care these days.
As much as I have little good to say about Idaho except the scenery, the state has a good piece of legislation that provides freedom of choice and access to care of choice without so much tunnel vision.
"Georgetown University health economist Jean Mitchell said she sees one main reason behind any health care cost increase: overutilization. Mitchell, who was not involved with the survey, said health care costs have been rising faster than inflation because the payment system rewards care providers for doing more."
By TOM MURPHY, AP Business Writer, Jun 18, 2009
INDIANAPOLIS – Employers who offer health insurance coverage could see a 9 percent cost increase next year, and their workers may face an even bigger hit, according to a report from consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Costs will rise in part because workers worried about losing their jobs are using their health care more while they still have it, the firm said in the report released to The Associated Press. The report also said rising unemployment is driving up medical costs.
Health care reform legislation currently being hashed out in Congress likely will have little impact on next year's costs, said PWC principal Michael Thompson. But he noted that the intense focus on health care may slow price increases.
"Nobody wants to be front page news when all the lights are shining on your industry," he said.
The report projects the expected cost increase per person for employee benefits plans, and it factors in things such as price increases, as well as utilization changes.
Businesses confronted with increases will likely pass some of the burden to employees via higher premiums, deductibles or copays, Thompson said.
"If the underlying costs go up by 9 percent, employees' costs actually go up by double digits," he said, noting that will have a "major, major impact" when many employers also are freezing or cutting pay.
A total of 42 percent of employers surveyed said they would increase employees' share of costs.
The 9 percent increase predicted for 2010, however, represents a slight decrease from the 9.2 percent PWC projected for this year, and 9.9 percent predicted for 2008. A growing use of generic drugs has helped tame spending, according to the most recent survey.
Actual cost increases for this year and last were not available.
PWC surveyed more than 500 employers and health insurers. One of the factors it found that may increase medical costs next year is the lingering threat of unemployment. Workers worried about losing their health coverage along with their jobs tend to seek medical care they might otherwise put off.
PWC also said health care providers tend to shift costs to private insurance plans to make up for the revenue drop they see from a rise in the uninsured population or from an increase in the percentage of people covered by Medicaid, the state-federal insurance program for the poor.
Georgetown University health economist Jean Mitchell said she sees one main reason behind any health care cost increase: overutilization. Mitchell, who was not involved with the survey, said health care costs have been rising faster than inflation because the payment system rewards care providers for doing more.
"Until we fix that, we're never going to be able to rein in health care costs," she said.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Will Health Care Reform Fall Short?
By James Ridgeway | Tue June 16, 2009, Mother Jones
Confused about what's happening with health care reform? Join the club. After months of buildup, neither Congress nor the administration has produced a clear plan. Instead, the picture seems to get fuzzier every day. This doesn't bode well for President Barack Obama's commitment to create a "health care system that works for all of us."
At the American Medical Association convention in Chicago on Monday, Obama called health care expenditures a "ticking time bomb" and related eloquent—but familiar—stories of families, small businesses, and doctors crushed by spiraling costs. The rest of his speech catalogued the most uncontroversial elements of any potential health care fix—instituting electronic medical records, cutting down on junk food, encouraging more preventative care, promoting "best practices," eliminating waste. Who could possibly object to any of that, except maybe the manufacturers of potato chips and Wite-Out? Meanwhile, Obama offered only ambiguous clues about how he plans to resolve the most contentious and vital issues that will determine whether his attempt to overhaul health care succeeds or fails.
In fact, the White House's battle plan for passing legislation could best be described as one of calculated vagueness. Last Wednesday, Obama called together a group of key senators from both parties to hash out their differences. Afterward, the group touted the fact that nothing had been settled. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told the Associated Press, "The president, I thought, was very flexible except on one thing, and that was getting it done. When the president is flexible on controversial things...I think that that's good news." Thanks to all of this flexibility, ranking Democrats and Republicans from the Finance Committee and the Health, Education, Labor, and Pension Committee agreed they could bring a bill to the Senate floor in July.
But what will the bill actually contain? So far, the administration's maneuvering suggests that its primary concern is not what kind of health care system we end up with, as long as we get something that looks like reform—preferably before the end of Obama's first year in office. Given the disaster that ensued last time Democrats tried to pass health care legislation, the administration's careful attention to the politics of the issue is understandable. But the danger of this approach is that it could ultimately produce a law that is uncontroversial, weak, and expensive.
One disturbing possibility is that health care could become a replay of the credit card legislation. The pattern goes something like this: First, we get a propaganda blitz heralding sweeping changes. But although the final legislation corrects some of the most egregious abuses, it doesn't change the system's underlying flaws. So, for example, insurance companies may be required to cover people with preexisting conditions—a need Obama illustrated vividly in his AMA speech with moving references to his mother's battle with cancer. We might see what the president called "more efficient purchasing of prescription drugs," which presumably means faster approval of generics and giving the government greater power to haggle with Big Pharma over drug costs. We will likely see incentives for health care providers to offer more cost-effective—and, hopefully, better—treatment. These things are not meaningless, and they will provide a modicum of relief to some struggling Americans. But they do virtually nothing to strike at the deeper problems of the for-profit health care system. And they offer only a fraction of the savings that a single-payer system would provide.
With no clear vision emanating from the White House and no bottom line, everything is up for grabs when it comes to the all-important details. It's no wonder, then, that new balls keep coming out of left field every day. As Obama prepared for his AMA speech, Washington scuttlebutt held that he would seek to reduce costs by accepting limitations on malpractice suits. In the speech, Obama said he was "not advocating caps on malpractice awards," but nevertheless wanted to "explore a range of ideas" to reduce the malpractice threat. As Mother Jones' Stephanie Mencimer has reported, the notion of crippling malpractice costs is essentially a conservative myth. But, according to the New York Times Obama sees addressing medical liability as "a 'credibility builder'—in effect, a bargaining chip that might keep doctors and, more important, Republicans, at the negotiating table."
Perhaps most important, Obama has not yet demonstrated how hard he's prepared to fight for the so-called "public option"—a government-run alternative to private insurance—or what such a reform might entail. At the AMA, Obama reiterated his position that one of the choices available to Americans "needs to be a public option." But could this position be a straw man, set up only to be knocked down? The public plan has certainly served as a panacea to single-payer advocates and other critics of medicine for profit, including important Democratic constituencies like labor unions. One health care advocate told me that the speculation around town was that the administration could eventually abandon the public option in order to win bigger concessions from its opponents.
For now, it seems increasingly likely that the "public option" could be access to the Federal Employee Health Benefits program. This is something Obama talked about on the campaign trail, and, according to Government Executive, his officials studied the plan closely earlier this year. Senate Finance chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.) has long hinted that the FEHB might provide the "compromise" that would allow bipartisan support.
However, while the FEHB covers millions of public employees, it is in no way a public plan. It simply allows federal workers to sort through dozens of different plans and pick one they want. Their employer, the government, then picks up around 70 percent of the tab, with the worker paying the rest. The coverage is generally good: It encompasses preexisting conditions, caps out-of-pocket expenses, and gives subscribers clear information to help them find the best plan for the needs. But it is not cheap. One hundred thousand federal workers don't participate because they can't afford the premiums.
Jim Jaffe, a former congressional staffer who worked on economic, tax, and health issues, and an FEHB subscriber, explained in a recent post Health Beat blog that the plans offered under the FEHB "differ little from insurance plans offered by other large employers." In particular, he writes, the plans "are not particularly user friendly or structured for efficiency," with enrollees facing many of the same complications and obstacles that they would encounter with private insurance. Jaffe concludes that the FEHB plan would be better than nothing, but "from an economic perspective, they are more problem than solution. Premiums regularly rise at a rate double inflation." Expanding access to the FEHB is far inferior to another incremental strategy for a public option, which is to open up Medicare or something like it to the wider population. Medicare, for all its flaws, is basically a single-payer system.
Obama has said that the public option must "inject competition into the health care market so that it forces waste out of the system and keeps the insurance companies honest." The FEHB wouldn't meet that standard. It might, however, be a victory for the Heritage Foundation, especially its chief of domestic policy, Stuart Butler, a Thatcherite Brit who advanced this idea back in the early days of the Reagan administration.
Sen. Kent Conrad, the North Dakota Democrat who chairs the Budget Committee, has advanced another compromise that he believes can win backing from Republicans and conservative Democrats where the public option cannot: health care co-ops. This proposal would establish a network of non-profit organizations that offer an alternative to private insurers. Instead of being controlled by the government, however, they would be run by boards of patients who are elected by fellow consumers. Again, it’s not clear that this scheme would bring about significant savings for patients or fix the inefficiencies that abound in the current system. In an interview with Kaiser Health News, Pam MacEwan, the executive vice president of a co-op called Group Health, admitted that its rates were similar to private insurers and its payment structures were also "pretty much" the same.
In other words, some of the leading public options under consideration may not be all that public. Will Obama allow his health care push to fall short by embracing such measures?
Medicare infringes on one’s right to privacy: Litigation Info
American Association for Health Freedom says, "There is no evidence to suggest that government-mandated healthcare is more cost-effective, prolongs lives, or even improves the quality of life. In fact, our current system, which pushes prescriptions and procedures, is just the opposite: it is costly, and does not produce superior results when dealing with chronic degenerative disease. Freedom to choose one’s healthcare is a basic issue that must not be trampled just because we now have a “we can’t afford to put this off” mentality."
Another Anti-Cancer Food

The lowly carrot has a whopping 686% of RDA as Vitamin A. More on health benefits of carrots here.
Carrots also help lower blood pressure, improve vision, protect your respiratory system, add fiber to your diet, and the juice has been used in natural cancer care for decades.
If you read the junque journalism of late you're told vitamin A is dangerous to your health.
Now you learn that carrots are anti-cancer. Juliette Levy told us this in her work on cancer in animals decades ago.
Cancer 1 Cancer 2 Cancer: A Nutritional Disease
Cancer boost from whole carrots
By Sharon Barbour, BBC News
The anti-cancer properties of carrots are more potent if the vegetable is not cut up before cooking, research shows.
Scientists found "boiled before cut" carrots contained 25% more of the anti-cancer compound falcarinol than those chopped up first.
Experiments on rats fed falcarinol have shown they develop fewer tumours.
The Newcastle University study will be presented at NutrEvent, a conference on nutrition and health, to be held in France.
Lead researcher Dr Kirsten Brandt, from Newcastle University's School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, said: "Chopping up your carrots increases the surface area so more of the nutrients leach out into the water while they are cooked.
"By keeping them whole and chopping them up afterwards you are locking in nutrients and the taste, so the carrot is better for you all round."
The Newcastle scientist, along with colleagues at the University of Denmark, discovered the health benefits of falcarinol in carrots four years ago.
Heat effect
Rats fed on a diet containing carrots or falcarinol were found to be one-third less likely to develop full-scale tumours than those in the control group.
Since then the scientists in Newcastle have been studying what happens when carrots are chopped and cooked.
The latest findings show that when carrots are heated, the heat kills the cells, so they lose the ability to hold on to the water inside them, increasing the concentration of falcarinol as the carrots lose water.
However, the heat also softens the cell walls, allowing water-soluble compounds such as sugar and vitamin C to be lost via the surface of the tissue, leading to the leaching out of other compounds such as falcarinol.
If the carrot is cut before being boiled, the surface area becomes much greater - and so the loss of nutrients is increased.
More tasty
Dr Brandt added that in blind taste studies the whole carrots also tasted much better.
Eight of ten people favoured the whole vegetables over those that were pre-chopped.
This is because the naturally occurring sugars which are responsible for giving the carrot its distinctively sweet flavour were also found in higher concentrations in the carrot that had been cooked whole.
Dr Brandt said: "The great thing about this is it's a simple way for people to increase their uptake of a compound we know is good for you.
"All you need is a bigger saucepan."
Dr Kat Arney, of the charity Cancer Research UK, remained unconvinced that keeping carrots whole would have any impact on cancer risk.
She said: "When it comes to eating, we know that a healthy balanced diet - rich in a range of fruit and vegetables - plays an important part in reducing the risk of many types of cancer, rather than any one specific food."
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2009/06/16 23:07:50 GMT, © BBC MMIX
College Alcohol Abuse Again in the News
Here's a recent report -
College Drinking Problems, Deaths On The Rise
ScienceDaily (2009-06-16) -- Alcohol-related deaths, heavy drinking episodes and drunk driving have all been on the rise on college campuses over the past decade, a new government study shows. ... > read full article
Here are some earlier articles from Natural Health News -
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Alcohol abuse continues to be in the news...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Alcohol treatment: Risky Rx or Helpful Herbs
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Energy Drinks
Friday, December 19, 2008
Holiday Cheer or Holiday Hangover
Chalmer's Choice
The Benefits of Zinc
An article published in the June, 2010 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition describes a clinical trial involving older men and women which found reductions in markers of oxidative stress and inflammation among those who supplemented with zinc. Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are risk factors for atherosclerosis, and zinc deficiency has been observed in a number of other diseases associated with these conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and cancers. "We previously observed that healthy elderly subjects had increased concentrations of plasma lipid peroxidation byproducts and endothelial cell adhesion molecules compared with concentrations in younger adults," the authors write in their introduction. "Zinc was proposed to have an atheroprotective function because of its antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and other properties."In a double-blinded trial, 40 healthy men and women between the ages of 56 and 83 were randomized to receive 45 milligrams zinc from zinc gluconate or a placebo for 6 months. C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 and other markers of inflammation were measured before and after treatment, as were malondialdehyde and hydroxyalkenals, which are markers of lipid peroxidation.Zinc concentrations were higher in the zinc group by the end of the study, while remaining relatively unchanged among those who received the placebo. Plasma antioxidant powers were higher, and malondialdehyde and hydroxyalkenals were lower in the zinc supplemented subjects after 6 months, indicating a reduction in lipid peroxidation. Additionally, plasma C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, and other inflammation-associated factors were reduced among those who received zinc. “To our knowledge, this is the first documentation to show the down-regulation of plasma CRP concentrations by zinc supplementation in human subjects,” the authors remark.In another experiment involving cell cultures, zinc also reduced indicators of inflammation and lipid peroxidation as well as the activation of nuclear transcription factor kappa-beta, which is involved in the initiation and development of atherosclerosis."This study showed that zinc increased antioxidant power and decreased CRP, inflammatory cytokines, adhesion molecules, and oxidative stress markers in elderly subjects after 6 months of supplementation," the authors write. “These findings suggest that zinc may have a protective effect in atherosclerosis because of its antiinflammatory and antioxidant functions,” they conclude.
Zinc is an important mineral for immune health. It is however one that is hard to absorb. Because of this issue we always suggest to use a low dose, food-based compound, taking several daily.
On the other hand, too much zinc can suppress your immune system so we do suggest not taking more than 50-60 mg a day.
Zinc is helpful for people with diabetes and any hormonal imbalance (think endocrine system and glands). It is good for teens with acne and is the generally considered to be the key nutrient for prostate health. Additionally, loss of taste is related to zinc deficiency.
While some people may have developed some sort of a problem with Zicam, a 2X dilution of a substance in a homeopathic remedy is not a very high dose.
What concerns me more is the total avoidance by the FDA of the issue of common steroid and fluoride-containing nose sprays and the over-prescribing of antibiotics and antihistamine drugs that lead to more serious problems, including loss of function of the natural body protective mechanism that causes the mucous membrane lining of the nose (and respiratory system) to secrete more mucus in order to keep invading irritants and allergens out of the body. These drugs also have been known to interfere with the function of nasal hairs as part of this process.
So, FDA, how about blocking all these Rx drugs while you're blocking Zicam? Your Big Pharma bias is just too prevalent.
And if you'd like to know more about natural ways to take care of your cold or allergy, you can find more information at our main domain. Add a little vitamin C and vitamin A to the mix and you'll always come out ahead.
If you need clinical information please refer to our ASK program.
FDA: Zicam nasal spray can cause loss of smell
WASHINGTON (AP) — Consumers should stop using Zicam Cold Remedy nasal gel and related products because they can permanently damage the sense of smell, federal health regulators said Tuesday.
The over-the-counter products contain zinc, an ingredient scientists say may damage nerves in the nose needed for smell. The other products affected by the Food and Drug Administration's announcement are adult and kid-size Zicam Cold Remedy Nasal Swabs.
The FDA says about 130 consumers have reported a loss of smell after using Matrixx Initiatives' Zicam products since 1999. Shares of the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company plunged to a 52-week low after the FDA announcement, losing more than half their value.
"Loss of the sense of smell is potentially life threatening and may be permanent," said Dr. Charles Lee, of FDA's compliance division. "People without the sense of smell may not be able to detect dangerous life situations, such as gas leaks or something burning in the house."
Matrixx defended the safety of its products, but said late Tuesday it will withdraw Zicam Cold Remedy Swabs and Zicam Cold Remedy Gel from the market.
The FDA said Zicam Cold Remedy was never formally approved because it is part of a small group of remedies that are not required to undergo federal review before launching. Known as homeopathic products, the formulations often contain herbs, minerals and flowers.
A warning letter issued to Matrixx on Tuesday asked the company to stop marketing its zinc-based products, but the agency did not issue a formal recall. Instead, regulators said Matrixx would have to submit safety and effectiveness data on the drug.
"The next step, if they wish to continue marketing Zicam intranasal zinc products, is for them to come in and seek FDA approval," said Deborah Autor, director of FDA's drug compliance division.
The agency is requiring formal approval now because of the product's safety issues, she added.
"It won't bring my smell back, but at least I feel like there's some justice that's starting to take place," said David Richardson, of Greensboro, N.C., who lost his sense of smell after taking Zicam for a cold in 2005. He said he hopes the product will be formally banned.
Medical records appear to support Richardson's claim that his lost sense of smell was linked to using Zicam.
The global market for homeopathic drugs is about $200 million per year, according to the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists. The group's members include companies like Nutraceutical International Corp. and Natural Health Supply.
Matrixx has settled hundreds of lawsuits connected with Zicam in recent years, but says on its website: "No plaintiff has ever won a court case, because there is no known causal link between the use of Zicam Cold Remedy nasal gel and impairment of smell."
The company said in a statement Tuesday that the safety of Zicam Cold Remedy is "supported by the cumulative science and has been confirmed by a multidisciplinary panel of scientists." Matrixx said it will comply with the FDA's requirements, but will seek a meeting with the agency to "vigorously defend its scientific data."
But government scientists say they are unaware of any data supporting Zicam's labeling, which claims the drug reduces cold symptoms, including "sore throat, stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing and congestion."
The products accounted for about 40% of Matrixx's $111.6 million in sales last year.
Health officials said they have asked Matrixx executives to turn over more than 800 consumer complaints concerning lost smell that the company has on file. A 2007 law began requiring manufacturers to report such problems, but FDA regulators declined to say Tuesday whether the company broke the law.
The 130 reports received by the FDA came entirely from physicians and patients, not the manufacturer.
Regulators said the relatively small number of complaints accounted for the agency's lengthy investigation.
"FDA doesn't take action against drug products without evaluating all of the circumstances surrounding the issues with the product," Lee said.
Shares of Matrixx Initiatives Inc. plummeted $13.46, or 70%, to $5.78 Tuesday. The company said based on the FDA's recommendation, consumers should discard any unused product or contact Zicam at 1-877-942-2626 or to request a refund.
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009
New Attack on Natural Anti-Cancer Food
Published: June 16, 2009
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has issued a warning about consuming Our Father's Farm-brand apricot kernels in excessive amounts.
The CFIA said Our Father's Farm Ultra Bitter Apricot Kernels contain a natural toxin called amygdalin, which might cause acute cyanide poisoning.
The federal agency said the product has been distributed in Ontario and might have been sold nationally.
"Bitter apricot kernels naturally contain a compound called amygdalin, which has the potential to release cyanide when the kernels are ingested," the CFIA said. "Small amounts of cyanide can be detoxified by the human body, but high amounts may be lethal."
Symptoms of acute exposure to high levels of cyanide can include headache, dizziness, mental confusion, weakness, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, seizures and coma.
The CFIA said it is working with the manufacturer to recall the product from the market place.
© 2009 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
B17 is naturally found in seeded fruits and berries. This compound is used to protect the seeds from attack by bacteria and viruses. In humans it has been found to attack cancer cells but not normal cells.
Where is Vitamin B-17 found?
In the seeds of fruit from the Prunus Armeniaca family: bitter almonds, apricots, blackthorns, cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums, all members of the raspberry family, macademia nuts, bamboo shoots.
In grains: maize, sorghum, millet, buckwheat
Other: cassava, linseed, apple seeds, white clover, and over 1200 edible plants found throughout the world.
Many of these ingredients have been removed from the menus of modern civilization.
Vitamin B-17 is one of the main sources of food in cultures such as the Navajo Indians, the Hunzas, the Abkasians, the Eskimos and many more. Within these tribes, as they consume their local diet, there has never been a reported case of cancer.
Perhaps it is Health Canada's allegiance to Big Pharma that is more at issue here.
From PUBMED re colon cancer.
Amygdalin inhibits genes related to cell cycle in SNU-C4 human colon cancer cells.
Transparency at the FDA?
FDA introduces "Transparency Blog" to gather public input online
The FDA has introduced what it is calling the "FDA Transparency Blog" in an effort to improve its communication with the public. The blog went live on June 2 and will include a different question each week. The questions to be posed can be found in the FDA's June 3 Federal Register notice (click here). There is also a public meeting on the topic of FDA transparency set for June 24 in Washington. Information about attending (it's free) and speaking is available in the Federal Register notice. Topics such as "Freedom of Information Act" requests, and access to information about enforcement activities, product approvals, recalls and other agency actions are specifically mentioned in the notice as areas of focus.
They Say "Follow the Money"
This seems to hold true in the medical insurance debate going on these days; anyone seeing that train wreck coming like I do?
Lawmakers Reveal Health-Care Investments: Key Players Have Stakes in Industry
Somehow this smacks of conflict of interest but MOCs don't seem to think it matters.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Listen to Dr. Niman on Swine Flu
06/17/2009 Ben Fulford
Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic
Baxter has been caught red handed nearly triggering pandemic, they are also moving ahead, together with allied pharma companies, with supplying the "vaccine" for pandemics
the criminal charges I filed against Baxter and WHO with the Austrian police (in German) but with an English translation partially
The swine flu vaccine is designed to weaponize the H1N1 virus
A journalist in Austria has forwarded proof that the anti-swine flu vaccine they are trying to mandatorily make everyone take is actually designed to weaponize the H1N1 virus and kill billions of people. We issue a warning to all Medical associations and WHO staff: if you try to proceed with this plan you will be labeled as enemies of humanity and there will be a bounty placed on each of you.
Virus mix-up by lab could have resulted in pandemic
Baxter has been caught red handed nearly triggering pandemic, they are also moving ahead, together with allied pharma companies, with supplying the "vaccine" for pandemics
the criminal charges I filed against Baxter and WHO with the Austrian police (in German) but with an English translation partially.
16 June UPDATE: Some additional resources re H1N1 and how swine flu vaccines can be harmful to your health.
Dr. Henry L. Niman Explains The Scientific Reality Of The Swine Flu Outbreak.
... Essential Information
Read more on FLU, from a different perspective.
Even More Evidence Links Glitazones to Broken Bones
Perhaps this is another issue to be raised in the insurance debacle, cut payments to Big Pharma for dangerous drugs allowed on the market before real effects of the drugs are fully discovered.
See also:
15 June
ADA 2009: More Evidence Links Glitazones to Broken Bones
Shelley Wood
June 12, 2009 (New Orleans, Louisiana) - The largest study to date looking at whether the risk of bone fractures is increased in the setting of thiazolidinedione drugs (TZDs) suggests that fracture risk is more than 40% higher in people taking TZDs and that both men and women are vulnerable [1].
The analysis, presented by Dr Merri Pendergrass (Harvard University, Boston, MA) and colleagues during the American Diabetes Association (ADA) 2009 Scientific Sessions, looked at almost 70 000 patients taking either rosiglitazone (Avandia, GlaxoSmithKline) or pioglitazone (Actos, Takeda) and, unlike other studies, found no difference in fracture risk between the two TZDs.
"I think these agents should be avoided in people at high risk for fracture--unless, of course, particular benefits for a particular patient seem high," Pendergrass told heartwire --for example, a patient with high hypoglycemia risk who is not a good candidate for other classes of medications. Of note, Pendergrass continued, diabetes itself increases the risk for fracture. "So a postmenopausal woman with diabetes would have a particularly high risk--especially if she smoked, had a family history of fracture, or other additional fracture risk factors."
Pendergrass and colleagues reviewed the Medco database--more than 13 million people--looking for all patients between the ages of 43 and 63 at study onset with diabetes and a TZD prescription or any diabetic patients within the same age group taking metformin, exenatide (Byetta, Amylin/Lilly), or a sulfonylurea. They then used a linear-regression model to adjust for age, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, osteoporosis, stroke, and prior fracture to compare fracture risks in patients with "glitazone" prescriptions and in patients with no TZD prescription over the study period (January 2006 through June 2008).
They found that fracture rates were higher among all patients taking TZDs, with no difference between those taking pioglitazone vs rosiglitazone. Fracture rate was also higher in both women taking TZDs vs controls and in men taking TZDs vs controls (although the fracture rate was higher in women than men). According to Pendergrass, this is the first study to show an increased fracture rate in men as well as women. Of note, however, an analysis that looked only at recent TZD prescriptions did not find an increased fracture risk in men, suggesting that men may need to be on the drugs for longer than 18 months before developing an increased risk of broken bones.
Both older women and older men (age 50 to 65 at study conclusion) had a significantly increased fracture risk, but in younger subjects (age 43 to 49) only women were at significantly increased risk. Of note, the study could not control for alcohol consumption and smoking, both of which are known risk factors for fractures. Older adults (age 65 and older) could not be included in the analysis, due to a lack of data, the authors note.
Odds Ratios for Fracture Risk Group Odds ratio 95% CI
All patients 1.43 1.35–1.50
All women 1.55 1.44–1.65
All men 1.26 1.16–1.38
New TZD Rx, women* 1.40 1.19–1.64
New TZD Rx, men* 1.09 0.88–1.35
Rosiglitazone vs pioglitazone 1.03 0.96–1.11
*<18 mo
Pendergrass has previously disclosed research grant support from Novo-Nordisk.
Aubert RE, Herrera V, Tully L, et al. Thiazolidinedione treatment increases the risk of fracture. American Diabetes Association 2009 Scientific Sessions; June 7, 2009; New Orleans, LA. 601-P. Authors and Disclosures
Shelley Wood is a journalist for, part of the WebMD Professional Network. She has been with since 2000, and specializes in interventional cardiology. She studied literature at McGill University and the University of Cape Town and received her graduate degree in journalism from the University of British Columbia, specializing in health reporting. She can be reached at
Heartwire © 2009 Medscape, LLC
Reich on Insurance
Thanks to Robert Reich's BLOG, here's that data -
AMA's political action committee has contributed $9.8 million to congressional candidates since 2000, and its lobbying arm is one of the most formidable on the Hill. Meanwhile, Big Insurance and Big Pharma are increasing their firepower. The five largest private insurers and their trade group America's Health Insurance Plans spent a total of $6.4 million on lobbying in the first quarter of this year, up more than $1 million from the first quarter last year, and are spending even more now. United Health Group spent $1.5 million in the first quarter, up 34 percent from the $1.1 million it spent in the first quarter last year. Aetna spent $809,793 between January and the end of March, up 41 percent from last year. Pfizer, the world's biggest drugmaker, spent more than $6.1 million on lobbying between January and March, more than double what it spent last year. It also spent nearly $3.3 million lobbying in the fourth quarter of 2008. Every one of them is upping their spending.
Reich also adds this commentary just to show you exactly how the "obstruction-by- other-means" model is in play -
The Latest Public Option Bamboozle, and How to Recognize the Real Thing
Here's the latest contortion from Senate Dems trying to win over a few Republicans to a "public option:" Let nonprofits create health-care cooperatives, and call them the public option. Kent Conrad came up with this bamboozle. Finance chair Baucus is impressed, and some Republicans -- even Grassley -- seem interested. Watch your wallets.
Disregarding your political leaning, I'd Reich has about the most common sense thinking on this issue. Certainly Obama and his retreads don't, especially those seemingly working on this issue.
Where is the Universal Claim Form? Why not cut the services in the Congressional insurance plan all these ego-seeking MOCs get at our expense, as well as preventing them from raising their own salaries?
Immediate change to the scam Big Pharma welfare plan known as the Senior Drug Plan or Part D allowing negotiation on price would rake in millions that would cover many costs.
How about states changing from the Aetna model in their own insurance plans.
And don't forget the order to require Big Insurance to clean up its administrative waste and game playing that costs billions.
No tax on the plans either.
We sure don't have too many wise planners in the White House of on Congressional committee staffs today do we?
With all the money thrown at the corrupt financial industry we could have had a good insurance plan in place for all by now you know.
And by the way, this isn't health care...
Health care is based on being able to get good food for sound nutrition, access to supplements in stead of drugs, health care of choice, prevention and cure.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thyroid Concerns, again
No one can effectively determine your thyroid function by only a measurement of TSH.
An no lab worth its salt should be using the old TSH range of up to 5 or in some cases up to 8.
The current standard was lowered by the clinical endocrinologists 4-5 years ago and the "high" end of the range is now about 3.
And if you don't by my argument on the 'just TSH' approach, read what John Lowe has to say about it.
And skip the Synthoid unless you want to be foreced on to a bisphosphonate fluoride based bone destroying drug to add to what is already harmed by Synthroid. Just in case your doctor failed to explain to you.
"The thyroid, located in the neck, is a kind of master gland, secreting hormones that affect metabolism. Doctors usually check its activity by an indirect measure -- looking at levels of TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone."
Low thyroid? Maybe you're an "elephant"By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Editor Fri Jun 12, 6:31 pm ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Low thyroid activity, one of the most treated conditions in the United States, may actually be a sign of longevity, researchers reported on Friday.
While they said it was far too soon for people taking thyroid pills to stop, they will be looking to see if the thyroid may hold the key to a long life, at least for some people.
Dr. Martin Surks and colleagues at the Montefiore Medical Center and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York studied hundreds of people who had lived to be 100, and found evidence that people with low thyroid activity were more likely to be in that group.
"We studied a large group of Ashkenazi Jews with exceptional longevity," Surks told a news conference at a meeting of the Endocrine Society, specialists in human hormones.
They used a large national survey of health to see what the average hormone levels are for people of various ages.
The thyroid, located in the neck, is a kind of master gland, secreting hormones that affect metabolism. Doctors usually check its activity by an indirect measure -- looking at levels of TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone.
High TSH levels suggest the thyroid is underactive, a condition known as hypothyroidism. Low levels suggest it is overactive, known as hyperthyroidism.
People with low thyroid function may lose hair, gain weight and feel sluggish, while those with overactive thyroids may lose weight, feel their hearts race and have trembling hands Both can be easily treated with a daily pill.
Surks and colleagues found 15 to 20 percent of people over the age of 60 had TSH levels that suggest an underactive thyroid gland. He told the meeting he believed that may be normal for older people and may in fact be a sign of longevity.
"We estimate that 70 percent of old people whose TSH was minimally elevated and who were considered to have hypothyroidism were actually in their age-specific limits," Surks said in a telephone interview.
They singled out 200 Jews who had lived to be 100, and 400 of their children. Two genetic changes were linked with low thyroid function but also with extreme old age.
Metabolic rate affects life span in animals. For instance, elephants have slow metabolic rates, slow heartbeats, and can live for decades, as opposed to mice, which have fast metabolisms and live for just months.
It may be, Surks said, that people with low thyroid function in old age were "elephants" with a slow metabolism who can live longer, as compared to 'mice" with fast metabolic rates who may have shorter natural life spans.
"If you are an older person with high TSH, this suggests you are on the road to a long life," Surks said.
What worries him is that millions of people in the United States are being treated for hypothyroidism. "In North America, thyroid hormone is used at the drop of a hat," he said.
His group is seeking to see if that might interfere with a person's natural life span.
Surks noted that having a low thyroid function before about age 50 is a separate condition and appropriately treated with hormones.
He also plans studies to see what the biological function of having high TSH levels might mean for cells and aging.
(Editing by Peter Cooney)
Falsifying Medical Records
It wasn't the first experience I'd had as a whistle blower. The good part is that I had the opportunity to work with Region X HHS Office of the Inspector General once again and also a good federal prosecutor.
Their comments following the $372 million win in the case against the company for insurance fraud was another KUDO for the veracity of my information.
The sad part, being that this event occurred in Washington state, is that not only did the Medicaid Fraud office not act, but it allowed a nurse (not a medical billing person) to get away with a concerted effort to falsify patient records at this health facility for minor children, through false complaints against me.
There was quite a long list list of irregularities at this facility in addition to falsifying records in the week before state inspectors were to arrive to certify the treatment center for state Medicaid payments.
One of the insurance fraud issues I tried to report to the state were several admissions that did not meet diagnostic criteria. The admission allowed the center to bill at about $10 thousand a pop.
The state to this day has failed to investigate my claim. Nurses employed at the state QA office were involved in withholding evidence that proved their action was false. If they admitted their actions they would have had to take action against the nurse in my complaint, another WSNA insider. Just shows the politics of it all.
By the way, the QA nurse got a promotion to health policy in the Secretary's office and the other, now an "advanced practice" nurse (who sexually harassed minor female patients and me), is still at work in a Whatcom county, Washington community.
Facts don't matter, even when children's lives and health are involved. Health care is still an industry and it is ALL ABOUT THE DO-RE-MI.
The list of violations in this one case are extensive. The most egregious involved a 15 year old sex offender we admitted, and against my concerns, placed him with a 12 year old in the room farthest from the office. This was not an approved dual diagnosis program just to add another aspect of the story.
But one good thing happened. Even though Medicaid Fraud and the AG would not act to investigate, the state's AAG came to my defense as did state and federal legislators. Plus I won a judgment against the state.
Of course I'm still waiting to learn how this order was honored. The Adjudicative Clerk's office can't seem to find it even though I have receipt of service.
Now that the Gregoire's are gone, Rob McKenna has the obligation to act.
Posted on Thu, Jun. 11, 2009, Police: Mom forged school excuses
Woman jailed for what officials say are faked doctor's notes
By Mike Cherney,
An Horry County woman has been charged with forgery after police said she wrote fake doctor's notices to excuse four students, including her own child, from classes at Socastee High School.
Naomi Antoinette Aranda, 45, was arrested and booked into J. Reuben Long Detention Center on Wednesday morning and was released on a personal recognizance bond later in the afternoon.
Aranda could not be reached for comment Wednesday.
She has been charged with four counts of forgery with no dollar amount involved.
The offense is a misdemeanor, and she faces a maximum penalty of three years in jail for each charge and a fine to be determined by the court, according to the state code.
Police and school officials said it is rare for someone to be jailed for forging doctor's notes, though they hoped the case would help to educate the public about the seriousness of school attendance.
"We put it out there in an attempt to prevent future incidents like this occurring," said Sgt. Robert Kegler of the Horry County Police Department.
"Let people be aware this is a jailable offense."
Police are accusing Aranda of using business cards and forms to forge letterheads and faxing them to the school.
The investigation began last month, police said.
Teal Britton, a spokeswoman for Horry County Schools, said students are required to have a doctor's note if they are unable to attend school because of an illness.
Absences without a note, proof of a death in the family or the principal's permission are considered unlawful, she said.
In this particular case, Britton said school officials notified physicians that someone appeared to be forging their notes.
Britton said school officials can often tell if a note appears forged because many doctors use specific ink or color of paper for their notices.
"Our primary focus is how do we get parents and students to understand the significance of being in school when they are able to be in school," she said. "It's not a situation where you wish harm or embarrassment on anyone, but [we're] hopeful just the awareness ... would discourage anyone from thinking of doing that for themselves or for their child."
Contact MIKE CHERNEY at 444-1765.
© 2009 and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Diabetes E List
And to those "journalists" reporting that vitamins don't work, perhaps too you can learn something.
Stopping Diabetes Damage With Vitamin C
ScienceDaily (2009-06-10) -- Researchers have found a way to stop the damage caused by type 1 diabetes with the combination of insulin and a common vitamin found in most medicine cabinets. ... > read full article
Vitamin C will also help reverse Type 2 and perhaps can do the same for Type 1.
Flu, Pregnancy and Schizophrenia
CDC Flu TARGET Group Guidelines for H1N1
Looking at the terrible state of mental health care today and the damge wrought by dangerous drugs used even more so makes a thinking person wonder what experiment will be next.
Flu During Pregnancy May Increase Risk Of Schizophrenia In Certain Offspring
ScienceDaily (2009-06-11) -- When mothers become infected with influenza during their pregnancy, it may increase the risk for schizophrenia in their offspring. Influenza is a very common virus and so there has been substantial concern about this association. A new study suggests that the observed association depends upon a pre-existing vulnerability in the fetus. ... > read full article
Make sure to read "Vitamin C Facts" for natural approaches to schizophrenia, Flu and Autism
Junque Journalism
While I often do not support Oprah because she and many of her guests are corporate connected. Bob Green is just one example and he is for artificial sweeteners and obviously GMO foods found in many of his corporate sponsor's foods. This isn't good for your health.
Dr Oz and his buddy Roizen are connected with a program, Real Age, that sells the data collected to outside companies. Oz also isn't really very naturally oriented. He just skims the surface.
The anti-vaccine information presented on Oprah is good. Vaccines are not good for health and they are - more often than not - associated with higher disease rates and sicker children and adults who have had the shots.
Natural Health News tries to provide a more balanced source of information so you can think about the pap that's thrown to you by mass media.
Here's a good review of just how bad this Newsweek junque article is -
"Newsweek, a magazine described as “an infomercial masquerading as medical news” and “an example of corruption in journalism" has again demonstrated a new low in garbage journalism with this deceptive and misleading article which promotes a drug industry agenda...."
CW Randolph MD comments on the Newsweek attack article: "Multiple medical studies have linked synthetic hormone replacement therapies, such Premarin and Prempro, to health risks such as breast and uterine cancers, heart attack, stroke. Meanwhile, recent medical research and multiple clinical studies validate the safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormone replacement therapies."
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Science to Counter AP Biased News Against Natural Health
Null: "Criticize 54,000 deaths from Vioxx, not Oprah."
See also NHF
Support Petition to Stop Trilateral Cooperation Charter
Coke Zero Banned As a Health Threat by Venezuela
BY Sean PoulterVenezuela bans Coke Zero, cites "danger to health" 10 Jun 2009 23:49:38 GMT
Aspartame, found in diet and other soft drinks, will be investigated after claims it causes nasty side effects such as headaches and stomach upsets
Allegations that the controversial artificial sweetener aspartame is linked to bad reactions such as headaches and stomach upsets are to be investigated.
Aspartame, which is also known by the brand name Nutrasweet, has been the subject of anecdotal claims of harm to health dating back more than a decade.
The manufacturers and the Government's Food Standards Agency (FSA) have concluded that the sweetener is safe.
However, the Agency has now ordered an investigation to answer continuing consumer concerns that aspartame consumption can trigger nasty side effects.
The Agency's chief scientist Andrew Wadge, said:'This research is not to test the safety of aspartame – that is already established.
'The study will address consumer concerns, including anecdotal reports that have linked a range of conditions to aspartame.
‘The Agency’s view remains that aspartame can be consumed safely and we are not recommending any changes to its current use.
'However, we know that some people consider they react badly to consuming this sweetener so we think it is important to increase our knowledge about what is happening.’
The pilot study will start next month and will be used to inform the design and feasibility of a proposed study led by the European Food Safety Authority.
In May 2006, EFSA rejected a study by Italian scientists which named aspartame as a cancer risk.
The watchdog said the study identifying a risk of leukaemia, kidney and other cancers was flawed.
Subsequently, the author of the research, Dr Morandi Soffritti of the Ramazzini Foundation, stood by his team's findings and called for further research.
A number of UK retailers, including Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury's and Asda, have voluntarily withdrawn aspartame from their own-label products as part of a wider drive to reduce the use of artificial additives.
Aspartame manufacturers claimed the Food Standards Agency was bowing to scare mongering rather than making decisions based on science.
A spokesman for the Aspartame Information Service, funded by manufacturer Ajinomoto, said she was puzzled as to why the Agency is spending public money on the new research.
The organisation issued a statement saying: 'Aspartame, like all low-calorie sweeteners, is approved for use in the European Union under the terms of the European Sweetener Directive.
'In May 2006, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) stated: "There is no need to further review the safety of aspartame."
'It is, therefore, surprising that the Food Standards Agency has announced that it is starting work on a further study on aspartame.
'Large scale quantified consumer research commissioned by Ajinomoto and conducted by ICM Research has shown that there is no significant level of consumer concern about low calorie sweeteners in general or aspartame in particular.'
It added: 'Aspartame, which is made from two amino acids, is digested just like any other protein and its components are treated by the body in exactly the same way as the same components in foods like meat, fish, eggs, milk and fruit juice.
It tastes like sugar and enables food and drink companies to provide many popular low-calorie and sugar-reduced products.
'Sales of products sweetened with aspartame have grown steadily since the ingredient was introduced in 1983.
'The FSA has explained its actions by referring to "anecdotal reports that have linked a range of conditions to aspartame". These include rumours circulated on the internet by scaremongers and conspiracy-theorists, mostly from the United States.
'In August 2007, the New Zealand Food Safety Authority, faced with the same absurd allegations, stated: 'The claims being made - and widely reported in the media - are doing a great public disservice. The fact is, a large amount of very good science shows that aspartame is a very safe substance.
'Studies that purport to show otherwise have thus far been overwhelmingly rejected by leading food safety authorities as flawed.'
NB: The issue is aspartame, a toxic substance known to cause obesity, diabetes, tumours, arthritis, seizures and more than 118 known health problems.
* Minister orders Coke Zero withdrawn from market
* Socialist government increasing scrutiny of business
CARACAS, June 10 (Reuters) - The Venezuelan government of U.S.-critic President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday ordered Coca-Cola Co
The decision follows a wave of nationalizations and increased scrutiny of businesses in South America's top oil exporter.
Health Minister Jesus Mantilla said the zero-calorie Coke Zero should no longer be sold and stocks of the drink removed from store shelves.
"The product should be withdrawn from circulation to preserve the health of Venezuelans," the minister said in comments reported by the government's news agency.
Despite Chavez's anti-capitalist policies and rhetoric against consumerism, oil-exporting Venezuela remains one of Latin America's most Americanized cultures, with U.S. fast-food chains, shopping malls and baseball all highly popular.
Mantilla did not say what health risks Coke Zero, which contains artificial sweeteners, posed to the population.
Coke Zero was launched in Venezuela in April and Coca-Cola Femsa
Neither Coca-Cola nor the bottler responded to requests for comment on Wednesday.
The bottler was plagued with labor problems last year in Venezuela when former workers repeatedly blocked its plants demanding back pay.
The government this year has seized a rice mill and pasta factory belonging to U.S. food giant Cargill and has threatened action against U.S. drug company Pfizer
Chavez has also nationalized a group of oil service companies including projects belonging to Williams Companies
AlertNet news is provided by Reuters
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Error in the AP Way
Proven Quack Stephen Barrett contiues as resource.
NB: I post a challenege to AP to contact me to get a list of competent resources.
Associated Press (AP)is an old and once respected news service agency. Today it appears quite often that their standards are not up to the once high level they used to be.
One example of this, in my opinion, is the writing of Marilyn Marchione. She is quite as bad as Carla Johnson in the kind of health writing she does. It's pretty bad because she engages in promoting quite a bit of erroneous information in view of perpetuating the status quo and the medical mainstream mantras.
I've cited her work several times in this blog and added my comments. I just wish she'd fact check, as I mentioned in a letter I wrote Monday to the AP honchos.
While I do believe there is concern on both sides of the spectrum: allopathic v natural, I also know that it is not quite a good thing to tell the public that natural is bad and medicine is good. That in itself is bias. Reporters aren't supposed to be biased in their writing.
In her article today Marchione again relies on Quackwatch as a good resource when it has been debunked and proven to be a fraud in many courts across the country.
She also cites dietitians as a good source of nutritional information. It is sad Marchione fails to understand that dietitians are funded and pretty much educated by USDA mandates and they are not nutritionists. There is a vast chasm between what dietitians put out and sound nutrition information. Look for my article here about the food pyramid scam and you will see why.
No one can get sound nutrition from food today no matter how "balanced" your diet is.
Marchione also refers back to her fallacious reporting on the vitamin studies.
Vitamin E as she says may thin the blood (no need for coumadin with vitamin E or Natto, garlic or several other good blood thinners with the science behind them) but it is also protective against colon cancer because it is an oxygen promoting vitamin.
She fails to state that beta carotene does not work well without the presence of vitamin A.
She does not in any case cite the devastation from chemo and radiation and the known fact that cancer therapy as we know it is about 1-3 % effective. People do die from chemo and radiation so it is no different than using another approach.
She is also wrong about Laetrile and the hype surrounding it. Laetrile is similar to B17, based on the proanthocyanidins found in seeds. There are not cyanide compounds that will kill you These are naturally occurring proanthocyanidins that nature creates to protect seeds from pestilence so they propagate It has been shown that these compounds do not attack healthy cells, they attack only cancer cells.
No where does she interview anyone knowledgeable in the use of natural therapies or orthomolecular supplementation.
And she doesn't even tell you that coffee enemas were part of the US medical standards in the National Formulary until 1972.
So here again are just a few examples of how the press spins data to stay with the standard line.
You just have to be smart enough to find good resources to help you sort it all out.
That's just what we try to do here at Natural Health News and on our other sites and blogs.
We believe our consultation fees are affordable and we do offer sliding scale and some scholarships. And we know of many who have used our services who are healthy and well today, having recovered from cancer and other illnesses.
Education may save your life. Your choice of health or medical care is your right.
Marchione's newest article today:
The AP also would like you to believe that asking a doctor about supplements is good advice. Sadly the vast majority of doctors have no concept of supplements let alone knowledge. They seem of late to know little about the drugs they prescribe as well.
They want you to know if there are adverse effect reports but don't mention the obstacles to report adverse effects of Rx drugs which kill thousands yearly and the concern that doctors too often brush off your complaints.
If you need a good basic resource on supplements this is a good place to start
Today AP reports on the corporate take over of the supplement industry. This takeover to control the marketplace and to limit access to supplements while in many cases lowering the quality and efficacy has been on-going since 1980, perhaps earlier. The difference now is that drug makers want you to be able ONLY to get Rx drugs, nothing else. That record isn't too good for Big Pharma so it is a risky idea at best. For more on this see
AP article -
What to know before buying supplements
By The Associated Press The Associated Press
Tue Jun 9, 3:38 pm ET
The federal Food and Drug Administration does not analyze the content of dietary supplements, which do not need proof of safety or effectiveness before they go on sale. Here are tips from the government on their use:
_Don't self-diagnose a health condition or substitute a supplement for medicine.
_Ask your doctor before taking a supplement, especially if you are pregnant, taking other medicines or are having surgery soon.
_Request proof from the manufacturer or distributor to back up any claims.
_Ask the seller or manufacturer for information on tests showing safety or effectiveness of ingredients, and whether consumers have complained of adverse events.
_Look for "seals of approval" from independent groups that have standards to help ensure the product was properly made, contains what the label says, and is free of contaminants. These groups include, NSF and the U.S. Pharmacopeia.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Medical Insurance Issue in SPIN: Obama's Way Off the Fulcrum
If this is the case for one of the top medical insurance firms, just think of how secure your electronic health records AREN'T.
If you missed Ralph Nader's talk on the Politics of Health Care aired on public radio recently you can find out more about how he is saying exactly what we have said for decades.
Though we are not as famous as Nader we concur with the majority of his findings.
Yes, 60 + years since reform in the medical industry was proposed as was single payer. I'll be posting more information shortly but consider that the universal claim form would save billions and this has been ignored for at least 30 years.
There's more to consider.
The SPIN cycle is in overdrive and it is clear that those in the US get wrung out in the wash one more time as this insurance issue debate begins picking speed.
For one, I'd say Barack is too close to insiders based on his wife's former job as a hospital executive.
I'd say he'll waffle on this one and once again people will be the losers, Big Insurance and SOS will be the winners. It's all in the politics of "as if consituents don't matter".
If you read the reports on what Kennedy and Baucus are up to you can see clearly through the smoke and mirrors and know exactly what's on the block to be spun out the other end of the sausage stuffing machine. Remember it's small intestine that's stuffed with you don't know know what, then gets sold as sausage.
I know the medical industry and I know the history of "reform" over about the last 50 years. It has never worked. I am pretty sure that what is coming form the pundit's high priced mouth spilling out of congressional and oval offices is about as close to real change as a dead skunk in the middle of the road.
All this talk about electronic medical records is not worth the $20+ million or more destined to be spent on failed software that we know the government gets taken for in almost every agency. The cost of implementing this fiasco is much more that what ever will be saved. Real economists know this.
And, did anyone ask the question about how many people will opt out because of privacy concerns if electronic records are a mandate? I know I would.
The there are those of us that know the medical system in the US is failed and we do not want MOS. We want right of choice and coverage for natural care not provided by the hybrid NDs that are wanna be docs and want to hang on the same old Newtonian mechanistic model based on insurance reimbursement. Aye, there's that Idaho law I helped revamp that is a voice in the wilderness.
No talk yet on prevention. Can't be because there's no money in prevention nor is there money in keeping people healthy and well.
And just what was the problem 20-30 years ago with implementing the UNIVERSAL CLAIM FORM?
Haven't heard a word on this huge money saver. Obama could put it in immediate effect with the swipe of his hand. Being a "lefty" too I'd like to push him along this path, pronto.
Big Insurance was against it, all those different forms let the different companies add on to time and money in their pocket, less care delivered and no monitoring of real outcome.
Stay tuned for the next SPIN cycle. And in the interim, contact those idiots you elected to "represent "you and demand Universal Claim Forms NOW!
Friday, June 05, 2009
FlossRings for Easier Flossing and Cleaner Teeth

I am intrigued by things, perhaps because I am curious. Too, I am always on the look out for a better mouse trap.
In the field of healthy teeth and gums, I think I found one. Maybe, though it found me.
Writing as I have about healthy teeth and gums from time to time over the years I have been in health care, one sticky point is often flossing. Some say floss, some say don’t floss.
What ever is your choice, DIX FlossRings are something you should know about. And it is something I highly recommend using.
First introduced in spring 1996 FlossRings were soon placed on permanent display in the “Dentistry in Transformation” section of The Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry for their future benefit to the oral health of humanity.
FlossRings are sustainable, low-tech, brightly colored rings with a notch on one side. By threading and securing the floss through this notch, you avoid wrapping the floss around your fingers. This makes it easier for people with dermatological skin conditions affecting their hands and for people with arthritis or limited dexterity to floss.
You’ll save on floss too because you just need about 4 – 5 inches of floss for a treatment.
How to Use FlossRings
Clinical studies showed that flossing with DIX Floss Rings removed 31% more plaque that did using dental floss alone. No soft tissue abnormalities were associated with the use of DIX Floss Rings.
With this kind or result, it is amazing so few know of this great product, but now you do. Get your set of FlossRings today and make sure to tell your friends and family dentist.
FlossRings are available from The FlossRing Company, 145 East 15th Street, New York, NY 10003, or online at
More about natural dental health
Floss Your Teeth -- On The Double
ScienceDaily (2008-08-11) -- A recent study demonstrates that including flossing as part of one's routine oral care can actually help reduce the amount of gum disease-causing bacteria found in the mouth, therefore contributing to healthy teeth and gums. ... > read full article
This is a very good idea as long as the dental industry does not come up with aloe products containing fluoride. You can find high quality organic aloe gel in qulaity health stores.
Tooth Gel: Healing Power Of Aloe Vera Proves Beneficial For Teeth And Gums, Too
ScienceDaily (2009-07-28) -- Aloe vera tooth gel is intended, like toothpaste, to eliminate disease-causing bacteria in the mouth. The ability of aloe vera tooth gel to do that successfully has been a point of contention for some dental professionals. The study compared the germ-fighting ability of a gel to two commercially popular toothpastes and revealed that the tooth gel was just as effective -- in some cases more effective -- as the commercial brands at controlling cavity-causing organisms. ... > read full article
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Tip: Keep Your Hair with Chemo
While it is very sad that this young girl is facing this situation there are a few considerations to review.
One should be how this happened, and what is the connection to vaccines.
The second is that there is NO need to lose your hair while undergoing chemo.
If, on each of the two days prior to a chemo treatment you take 2000 IU of natural vitamin E, you will more likely than not, keep all of your hair.
Now why isn't the medical cancer industry telling people this safe nutritional information, especially when it is well known that vitamin E has a protective effect against cancer?
SoCal 10-year-old copes with breast cancerWed Jun 3, 5:16 pm ET
LA MIRADA, Calif. – Ten-year-old Hannah Powell-Auslam is trying to remain brave as she copes with a rare form of breast cancer. "I feel like a kid inside but sometimes I feel like an adult, when I'm always at the hospital," Hannah told ABC's "Good Morning America" in an interview that aired Wednesday.
The fifth-grader at Escalona Elementary School in this Los Angeles bedroom community complained of itching in her side in April. Her mother discovered a lump, and that led to a diagnosis of breast cancer.
Her family said she was diagnosed with invasive secretory carcinoma, a type discovered in children in the 1960s.
"Hannah's prognosis is very good and the type of cancer is very slow growing," her father, Jeremy, said in an e-mail Wednesday.
Children still represent only a fraction of a percent of all breast cancer cases.
Hannah had surgery and has begun chemotherapy.
"You feel like you're sick all the time. You just want to go lay in bed," she said.
The show filmed Hannah at home getting her head shaved rather than waiting for chemotherapy to take its toll. Other family members got buzz cuts, too, in solidarity.
"I might be just a little bit afraid. I love my hair. I worked so hard to grow it," Hannah said before the event to take its toll.
Also consider this -
Vitamins Enhance Chemotherapy
by Erik T. Paterson, M.D., Creston, BC. -
A recent article (National Post of Canada, 6 June 2005) gave an interesting account of problems with the use of supplements with cancer therapy. As far as the antioxidants are concerned, the article is far from as balanced as it would like the readers to believe. In low doses, those usually advocated by conventionally minded professionals, there is little or no value in the use of such substances. In high (remarkably safe) doses they can be highly valuable. For example, high dose vitamin C given experimentally to cultures of any type of cancer cells is lethal to them, but entirely harmless to similar cultures of normal cells. In clinical practice, when prescribed by knowledgeable doctors, high dose vitamin C does not ever interfere with chemotherapy, helps to protect against the adverse (often enough lethal) effects of chemotherapy, enhances the efficacy of chemotherapy, and frequently induces complete remission of cancer (disappearance of all clinical signs of tumour) where chemotherapy cannot. The evidence for this efficacy of high dose vitamin C is voluminous, a good starting point being Hoffer, A. & Pauling, L., Vitamin C and Cancer: Discovery, recovery, controversy, Quarry Health Books, 2000. But similar research shows the value of the other antioxidant supplements, but only when given in high, but safe doses. I am living proof that this works, having fallen ill with a near lethal Acute Mylegenous Leukemia nearly nine years ago. The effects of the chemotherapy nearly killed me. Once in remission (not cure) I have kept myself healthy with vitamin C 8,000 milligrams, niacin 3,000 milligrams, vitamin E 1000 units, vitamins A and D (in Halibut liver oil) and selenium 500 micrograms, along with other supplements all per day. I advocate that people ought to READ, READ, READ but not just journals with a bias against the unconventional use of vitamins.
Another physician comments on natural cancer care -
The first patient I treated for cancer decided not to undergo chemotherapy. He did have surgery to remove the tumor in his colon. Afterward he wanted to stick to natural therapies.
I recommended the basics. We cleaned up his diet and took him off wheat, dairy and sugar – which can drag down the immune system.
Next, I recommended he drink Essiac tea.
For several years, I followed his progress. He saw a full recovery. His post-surgery roommate, who simply went with chemotherapy, died soon after.
Essiac was likely not the sole reason for his recovery. It does, however, have quite a history of success. Yet, even today, it suffers unwarranted suppression and little mainstream investigation.
The herbal formula is named after the Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse (pronounced “reen case”) who formulated it in1920. Essiac is merely Caisse spelt backwards. The recipe is reportedly passed down by an Ojibwa medicine man.
This herbal infusion has recently been highlighted in the news with the case of Daniel Hauser avoiding chemotherapy. Daniel’s situation, likewise, has brought attention back to Billy Best, who used Essiac to help cure his cancer 15 years ago.