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Friday, July 08, 2011

Fluoride Risks Hit Supermarket Mag

I've been interviewed a few times for 'for women First' magazine, one of the supermarket mags for women.  I don't usually purchase it but I had to succumb today when I saw their front page story about a thyroid discovery.  The discovery is fluoride and how it slows down your thyroid, (page 40, July 18, 2011 issue).

The problem with this is that fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor that's been known for about 70 or more years.

This means clear your shelves of fluoride tooth paste and all the dental products laden with it.  Don't get any fluoride treatments at the dentist either.

Watch for fluoride is prescription drugs like antibiotics (fluorquinolones)  and antidepressants (SSRI,SNRI) , as well as others.  Many foods like soy and others sprayed with pesticides and herbicides contain fluoride too.  And you'll find bromine (in bread), chlorine, and any halogen will suppress your thyroid too, just like mammogram, that pink salt, and your cell phone. 

Selections from Natural Health News

Natural Health News: Dr Paul Connett World's Leading Expert on ...

Apr 05, 2011

For example, rodent studies show that fluoride exposure can cause free radical damage to DNA molecules and cells in areas of the brain that are essential for cognition, as well as structural brain changes and ...

Natural Health News: Getting Too Much Fluoride? Better Check Your ...

Jan 11, 2011

The New York Times just reported that a "political battle" is brewing on EPA's decision to phase out the use of sulfuryl fluoride as a food fumigant in the US. According to the Times, Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla. ...

Natural Health News: Top 10 Drugs: Violence and more Fluoride

Jan 12, 2011

Related information about fluoride is found here as well, and now you know mainstream media is finally suggesting you have been getting too much. Here are the 8 top true "conspiracy theories". ...

Natural Health News: The Fluoride Glut: Sources of Fluoride Exposure

Dec 05, 2010

Yes, your so called Himalayan health salt is full of fluoride. You may learn more here, and be prepared to be surprised! Graphic by DEES The American Dental Association has a budget of $100 million (with over $1.4 ...

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