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Monday, March 28, 2011

New-Onset Diabetes With Statins

UPDATE: 12 January 2012

Another report is out today linking statin drugs and diabetes. Natural Health News has been reporting on statins since 2006 and we have been covering the drugs in our other venues since 1996.

Numerous articles on this topic can be located on Natural Health News using our search function on the main page.

Here is a related report

30 March 2011 - 
People with Diabetes (PWD) are 70% more likely to have liver disease. 
Diabetes Diary: This is now in process of publication, pre publication copies are $8, available from us. 
Diabetes increases Parkinson's risk
I hope you are connecting the dots...

28 March -
Need I say more?  Now more studies shoe increased risk of diabetes among other health problems from statins.  And the cookie cutter medicine machine wants YOU to take this drug if you have diabetes.  Its doing the same as aspartame.  Red Yeast Rice  is a statin and will have this effect in some people.

We offer a very good supplement to help raise HDL, lower LDL and reduce total cholesterol while decreasing triglycerides. 


Predictors of New-Onset Diabetes in Patients Treated With Atorvastatin

Results From 3 Large Randomized Clinical Trials

David D. Waters, MD, Jennifer E. Ho, MD,David A. DeMicco, DPharm, Andrei Breazna, PhD, Benoit J. Arsenault, PhD, Chuan-Chuan Wun, PhD,John J. Kastelein, MD, PhD, Helen Colhoun, MD, PhD and Philip Barter, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, San Francisco General Hospital, and the University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California
 Pfizer, Inc., New York, New York
 Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
 Department of Public Health, University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland
Heart Research Institute, Sydney, Australia
Manuscript received July 28, 2010; revised manuscript received October 4, 2010, accepted October 11, 2010.
* Reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. David D. Waters, Division of Cardiology, San Francisco General Hospital, 1001 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, California 94114 (
Objectives: We sought to examine the incidence and clinical predictors of new-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) within 3 large randomized trials with atorvastatin.
Background: Statin therapy might modestly increase the risk of new-onset T2DM.
Methods: We used a standard definition of diabetes and excluded patients with prevalent diabetes at baseline. We identified baseline predictors of new-onset T2DM and compared the event rates inpatients with and without new-onset T2DM.
Results: In the TNT (Treating to New Targets) trial, 351 of 3,798 patients randomized to 80 mg of atorvastatin and 308 of 3,797 randomized to 10 mg developed new-onset T2DM (9.24% vs. 8.11%, adjusted hazard ratio [HR]: 1.10, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.94 to 1.29, p = 0.226). In the IDEAL (Incremental Decrease in End Points Through Aggressive Lipid Lowering) trial, 239 of 3,737 patients randomized to atorvastatin 80 mg/day and 208 of 3,724 patients randomized to simvastatin 20 mg/day developed new-onset T2DM (6.40% vs. 5.59%, adjusted HR: 1.19, 95% CI: 0.98 to 1.43, p = 0.072). In the SPARCL (Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels) trial, new-onset T2DM developed in 166 of 1,905 patients randomized to atorvastatin 80 mg/day and in 115 of 1,898 patients in the placebo group (8.71% vs. 6.06%, adjusted HR: 1.37, 95% CI: 1.08 to 1.75, p = 0.011). In each of the 3 trials, baseline fasting blood glucose, body mass index, hypertension, and fasting triglycerides were independent predictors of new-onset T2DM. Across the 3 trials, major cardiovascular events occurred in 11.3% of patients with and 10.8% of patients without new-onset T2DM (adjusted HR: 1.02, 95% CI: 0.77 to 1.35, p = 0.69).
Conclusions: High-dose atorvastatin treatment compared with placebo in the SPARCL trial is associated with a slightly increased risk of new-onset T2DM. Baseline fasting glucose level and features of the metabolic syndrome are predictive of new-onset T2DM across the 3 trials.
Most read statin articles from 30+ on Natural Health News
Nov 21, 2010
More than 6 millions adults are prescribed statins by their GPs will be told about five new 'undesirable effects' in leaflets issued with packets of the drugs. These include sleep disturbances, memory loss, sexual dysfunction, . ...
Nov 14, 2008
It's been going this way for a while: even healthy people should be on the cholesterol-reducing drugs known as statins. That, in a nutshell, is the verdict of a study published over the weekend which found that even in people deemed to ...
Feb 04, 2008
No study has shown a significant reduction in mortality in women treated with statins. The University of British Columbia Therapeutics Initiative came to the same conclusion, with the finding that statins offer no benefit to women for ...
Jul 07, 2010
Statins for children 10 to 17 have been FDA approved since 2002. Now Pfizer seeks EU authorization. READ IT HERE FIRST: THE IMPORTANT ISSUES FACING YOU IN HEALTH CARE AT NATURAL HEALTH NEWS DAYS, AND OFTEN WEEKS OR MONTHS, ...

Wonderful Catmint

Catmint is easily grown in any garden soil.  It does not seem to need as much water as other members of the mint family.  Dividing plants in Spring is a good way to increase your number of plants, or you can grow it from seeds.

Certainly most cats enjoy this plant, but mice and rats are said to be deterred where it is planted.

Catmint grows tall and as such makes a lovely border in your garden.

From the medicinal use point-of-view, catmint is a well known and extremely effective remedy for colic. Harvest the flowering tops when the plant is in full bloom, usually early in the morning.

Known as a carminative, tonic, diaphoretic, refrigerant, it is a very mild emmenagogue, specially, can be somewhat stimulating, and also an antispamodic, and nervine.  It can also ease a virus with cold or flu, and ease fretfulness.

Because this and other mints encourage perspiration it is a good tea for fever, while encouraging sleep.

Catmint is one of the most highly recommended herbs for children's colic. It is helpful too for restlessness,  and nervousness.

Making an infusion is the best way to use this herb.  Using freshly boiled pure water, add one ounce of the herb to one pint of water.  A child's dose is 2 teaspoonfuls given often to relieve pain and gas.

More here - Medicinal Mint

Now for my comment -
Mainstream articles sometimes irk me for various reasons.  One reason I find distressing is a "study" done by people who do not have a working knowledge of herbs.  They seem always to conclude that generally they do not work.

Media reports of the same study repeated until you are sick of hearing it also make it nothing more than a talking-head blabbering about what they are told to read during the news cast.

Herbal Remedies No Help for Colicky Babies
Read my comment and those of several others, including my homeopathic colleague Dana Ullman.

Add Your Knowledgegayle eversole, dhom, phd, mh, crnp, nd - Mar 28, 2011
Articles such as this continually amaze me. First of all the bias against natural remedies is blatant. Secondly the caliber of the article is mediocre when I compare it to standards established by Health News Review along with my own standards honed during my education at various levels. Thirdly, as an advanced nursing practitioner and a person considered to be an expert in natural health, I have been helping parents and babies with colic for decades, using very simple herbal remedies. While this may all go away, the episodes are stressful for the parents and the infants as well. This attitude is rather dismissive. And I think we know how stress harms health. I'd suggest that the researchers try to interview someone with an extensive knowledge of herbs, natural remedies, their application and effects in the next study. After all, before all the GE pharmaceuticals, herbs were the basis of the National Formulary, and toxic acid reflux drugs were not given out with glad hands in deference to a few grains of acidophilus.
Add Your KnowledgeDr. Jacob R. Raitt - Mar 28, 2011
Just personally believe that the test was incomplete for the range of herbs used in these studies.
Add Your KnowledgeK. Vilain - Mar 28, 2011
Why is there no information on the pooled results of the 8 trials deemed to have acceptable methodology? That is the outcomes of interest here. I see no evidence of what the title of the article implies. Were the 8 studies negative? Was meta-regression done?
Add Your Knowledgedana ullman, mph - Mar 28, 2011
One of the co-authors of this review of research was E. Ernst who has a known hyper-bias against alternative treatment modalities. I personally do not believe anything he writes.

Fl - A Difficult Halogen for People to Understand

UPDATE: 28 March, 2011
As more people move to add sea vegetables to their diets to help aid protection from radioactive fall out, be aware that hijiki is very high in arsenic.

Seaweed and toxins

Title: Halogenated Compounds from Marine Algae
Authors: Maria Teresa Cabrita 1, Carlos Vale 1 and Amélia Pilar Rauter 2
Affiliations: 1 IPIMAR, Av. de Brasília, 1449-006 Lisboa, Portugal E-Mails: (C.V.); (M.T.C.)
2 Centro de Química e Bioquímica/Departamento de Química e Bioquímica da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Ed C8, Piso 5, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal; E-Mail: (A. P. R.)
Abstract: Marine algae produce a cocktail of halogenated metabolites with potential commercial value. The structure exhibited by these compounds goes from acyclic entities with a linear chain to complex polycyclic molecules. Their medical and pharmaceutical application has been investigated for the past two decades, although other properties like antifouling are not to be discarded. Many compounds were discovered in the last years but the need for new drugs keeps this field open as many algae species are poorly screened. Apart from the biotechnological potential, the ecological role of marine algal halogenated metabolites has somehow been overlooked. This new research field will provide valuable and novel insight into the marine ecosystem dynamics as well as a new approach to understanding biodiversity. Furthermore, understanding interactions between halogenated compounds production by algae and the environment, including anthropogenic or global climate changes, is a challenging target for the coming years. Research has been more focused on macroalgae than on phytoplankton. However, phytoplankton is a very promising material as the bottom link of the marine food chain with very quickly adaptation to environmental changes, which undoubtedly has consequences on the secondary metabolism. This paper summarizes current knowledge and revises recent progress and presents trends on the role of marine algae as producers of halogenated compounds.
marine algae; halogenated compounds; biotechnological applications; ecological role

From 3 March, 2009 -
In the periodic table of elements one finds the halogen family at an atomic weight of 9.

The halogens are five non-metallic elements found in group 17 of the periodic table. The Halogens are: Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Astatine. The term "halogen" means "salt-former" and compounds containing halogens are called "salts". All halogens have 7 electrons in their outer shells, giving them an oxidation number of -1. The halogens exist, at room temperature, in all three states of matter:

Solid- Iodine, Astatine
Liquid- Bromine
Gas- Fluorine, Chlorine

Fluorine is the most electronegative and reactive of all elements, and this property is one of the reasons why it easily displaces Iodine. Iodine is critically necessary for health.

The fluoride ion is highly toxic. Los Alamos National Laboratory recommends that no one be exposed to more than 1ppm Fl- in any 8-hour time period. Cumulative exposure to Fl- may result in the hardening of the Pineal Gland, is considered to be the electro-magnetic foci of the human body, and the gland that is directly involved with the production of melatonin. Vitamin B12 is also a substance that seems to be related to health of the Pineal gland.

Fluoride Excess is cumulative and there is a danger of ingesting fluoride in any so called "natural form" as is found in the current trend for Pink Himalayan Salt, which is known to contain many other heavy metals, some not at all necessary for human health.

People who live in areas where the drinking water has a naturally high fluoride level may consume too much fluoride—causing a condition called fluorosis. Fluoride accumulates in teeth, particularly permanent teeth. Chalky white, irregular patches appear on the surface of the tooth enamel. The patches become stained yellow or brown, causing the enamel to appear mottled. The teeth may also become pitted.

Fluoride also accumulates in bones. Rarely, consuming too much fluoride for a long time results in dense but weak bones, abnormal bone growths (spurs) on the spine, and crippling due to calcium accumulation (calcification) in ligaments.

(Some of the material found in this post on Fl- comes from the Merck Index and Merck Manual)

Fluoride in salt, water, pharmaceuticals, dental products, pesticides and herbicides, chemicals used in war and any other form continues to cause a myriad of health problems.

See also
and other posts related to Fluoride via the search window.

7 Tips for Women to Stay Naturally Healthy

By Maureen Denard

It’s not often that we stop to analyze why, but a woman’s health is watched more carefully than that of a man, probably because she undergoes many more physical and psychological changes over the course of her life – puberty, pregnancy, motherhood, menopause – they all change a woman’s physical and mental makeup significantly, and because of this, if she doesn’t take care of her health, she’s bound to lose it along the way at some point or the other. There are many easy ways for women to stay naturally healthy, and a few of them are outlined below:

·         A healthy diet: As with any health-related list, this one too starts by emphasizing the importance of a good diet, one that includes more of fruits, vegetables, wholegrain foods, legumes like lentils, beans and peas, and less of fat, complex carbohydrates and sugar. You are what you assimilate from what you eat, remember this at every stage of your life and you avoid unseemly weight gain and unexpected disease.

·         Regular exercise: A healthy diet is augmented and enhanced by an active lifestyle, one which includes regular exercise. Half an hour a day for five days a week is enough, the key is to be as regular as you can.

·         Breastfeeding: A woman’s greatest blessing is that she can carry life inside of her on the journey to motherhood. And with breastfeeding being not just a way to bond with your child but also a surefire way to keep cancer, depression and a host of other diseases at bay, you can bet God sure was in a good mood when he created a woman.

·         Independence: Most of a woman’s sorrows and pains in life come about because she is dependent on the men in her life – be it a father or a husband or a son or a significant other, dependency only creates shackles that chafe and burn, until you’re so bruised that it seems the scars will never fade away. The key to independence is the solid foundation of education upon which you can build a profession which gives you both emotional and professional satisfaction. With financial independence, you’re also free to choose your own path should that of a spouse go a different way, one which you’re not prepared to travel for any reason. 

·         Grooming: You feel inside the way you think you look outside, so go all out to look as beautiful as you think you can be. It’s not the cosmetics that are important, but the way you identify and augment your strengths and play down your weaknesses. Keep yourself well groomed, no matter how old you are, and you tend to remain young at heart for life.

·         A zest for life: Too much optimism could make you reckless, too much pessimism could make you a coward, but the right amount of both makes you a realist who knows that life only happens once. So make the most of happy moments and brush away the sad ones instead of letting them get you down, and you’ll find that both your emotional and physical wellbeing improve.

·         Me time: A woman plays multiple roles over the course of her life, sometimes taking on more than one simultaneously. But besides a daughter, a mother, a wife, a friend, or a girlfriend, find time to be yourself. When you know you have your corner to retreat to and recoup your strength in when life throws too many punches at you, you don’t worry too much about the next round that you have to fight. You know you’ll get out there and give it all you’ve got.

This guest post is contributed by Maureen Denard, who writes on the subject of Online MSN Degree . Maureen can be reached at:  

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Health Care Myths

In the mid 1990s I started adding a factoid to the informational pamphlet I produced for CHI (Creating Health Institute).   It was not a new fact but on that I had been aware of for a long time.  In reviewing information about this new book, that piece of information is still true now, just as it was then and in preceeding years.

That piece of information, according to a study completed at the Harvard School of Public Health, tells us that just 20% of medical care in use is effective.

As Big PhRMA grabs profits first and leaves your health at risk, while Big Insurance tells doctors  and other providers what care you are allowed to have, we can truly see why health care in the US ranks so low (37).

Health Care Myth

"In America, there is no guarantee that any individual will receive high-quality care for any particular health problem. The healthcare industry is plagued with overutilization of  services, underutilization of services and errors in  healthcare practice." 

– Elizabeth A. McGlynn, PhD, Rand Corporation researcher, and colleagues. (Elizabeth A. McGlynn, PhD; Steven M. Asch, MD, MPH; et al. "The Quality of Healthcare Delivered to Adults in the United States," New England Journal of Medicine 2003;348:2635-2645.)
Why we rank low in healthcare

Questioning the unquestionable
The problem is that physicians don't know what they're doing. That is how David Eddy, MD, PhD, a healthcare economist and senior advisor for health policy and management for Kaiser Permanente, put the problem in a Business Week cover story about how much of healthcare delivery is not based on science. Plenty of proof backs up Eddy's glib-sounding remark.

The plain fact is that many clinical decisions made by physicians appear to be arbitrary, uncertain and variable. Reams of research point to the same finding: physicians looking at the same thing will disagree with each other, or even with themselves, from 10 percent to 50 percent of the time during virtually every aspect of the medical-care process—from taking a medical history to doing a physical examination, reading a laboratory test, performing a pathological diagnosis and recommending a treatment. Physician judgment is highly variable.
You can get better care but you do have to demand it.  To demand it you have to know the "right" questions to ask and you have to know your rights in health care.

For 20 years CHI has been offering numerous programs in the community and corporate wellness programs, as well as college sponsored workshops addressing these problems.  The programs we developed especially for senior citizens were always SRO.

Learning more about exactly what's happening in health care is important.  And learning what you can do to prevent most health concerns is CHI's primary focus.  Natural Health Care Education from an expert who just happens to be a health care professional is what you'll find when you sponsor one of our programs or workshops in your area.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

If vitamins are so bad why is FDA giving them to PhRMA

Update: April 2011 - CDC: Half of US adults take vitamins, supplements

ATLANTA – About half of U.S. adults take vitamins and other dietary supplements — a level that's been holding steady for much of the past decade, new government figures show.
But the data also show a booming number of older women are taking calcium.
Federal officials released figures Wednesday showing that the use of dietary supplements has grown since the early 1990s when it was about 42 percent. The data shows use leveled off in 2003 through 2008, with about half of adults 20 and older taking at least one dietary supplement.
The biggest change was for calcium. Two-thirds of women 60 and older take it, up from 28 percent in the early 1990s.
Experts note the ranks of the elderly have been growing, and include many women who have been encouraged for years to take calcium to help protect against osteoporosis.
The information comes from national, in-home surveys in 1988-1994 and 2003-2008. The surveys in the past decade included more than 2,000 people each year. Interviewers not only asked participants what supplements they took, but also asked to see the bottles to verify their answers.
Use of multivitamins — the most popular supplement — crept up to nearly 40 percent.
Most people who take vitamins and other supplements are educated, have good incomes, eat pretty well and already get the nutrients they need from their diets, the surveys suggests.
"It's almost like the people who are taking them aren't the people who need them," said Regan Bailey, a nutritional epidemiologist with the National Institutes of Health.
Federal surveys have only recently started asking people why they take supplements, Bailey said.
The government supports some supplements as an option for certain people — such as iron for women who are pregnant, folic acid for women thinking of getting pregnant and calcium for older women.
But health officials say people should talk to their doctors first, and consider enriched foods that can accomplish the same goal.
Much of the new data is in a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report released Wednesday. SOURCE
Online: CDC report:
Read more on Natural Health News

March 2011

Don’t Be a Victim of Drug Company Propaganda

It is in the economic interests of drug companies to steer Americans away from healthier lifestyles and dietary supplements. As more Americans fall ill to degenerative disease, drug company profits increase exponentially.

Enormous amounts of pharmaceutical dollars are spent influencing Congress, the FDA, and other federal agencies. The result is the promulgation of policies that cause Americans to be deprived of effective, low-cost means of protecting themselves against age-related disease.
The fact that the diets of more than 90% of Americans supply less than the 12 milligrams a day of vitamin E the government proclaims to be adequate is a startling revelation. It documents an epidemic deficiency of vitamin E among Americans who do not take supplements. Despite these grim statistics, the medical establishment continues to question the value of supplemental vitamin E. SOURCE

APRIL 2010
Help protect your right to supplements -

Alert: Protect Your Right To Natural and Bio-available Vitamin B-6!
ANH-USA On April 6, 2010 @ 3:18 pm

Human beings cannot live without vitamin B-6. It is also important for the prevention of cancer and the prevention and treatment of seizures, anemia, mental disorders including schizophrenia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other conditions. Its effect on carpal tunnel can seem almost miraculous [1].

A natural form of the vitamin, Pyridoxamine, was recently yanked off the market by the FDA. Why? Because a pharmaceutical company, BioStratum, wanted sole use of pyridoxamine in a drug, a drug which may or may not ever appear. The company filed a so-called citizens petition and the FDA agreed, notwithstanding protests from ANH-USA, other organizations, and thousands of citizens. You might ask: how can Pharma take a supplement off the market and claim exclusive use of it as a prescription drug? The FDA does not presently feel obligated to answer this question.

Unfortunately, this isn’t all the bad news about vitamin B6. All forms of B-6, natural or synthetic, must be converted to P5P, another natural form, for the body to use it. Another drug company, Medicure Pharma, wants sole use of P5P and so has petitioned the FDA to ban its use as a supplement as well.

Medicure has yet to market a drug made from P5P, but wants the ban to take place now. And never mind that any individual unable to convert synthetic B6 to P5P would have to rely solely on Medicure’s product to stay alive.

How does Medicure think it can get away with this? Its petition states rather candidly: “Pharmaceutical companies developing new drugs must be protected from companies that may seek to market the ingredients in those drugs as dietary supplements. The marketing of such products has the potential to undermine the incentive for the development of new drugs because many people may choose to purchase the supplements rather than the drugs.”

This is not of course a case of supplement producers creating a product to compete with an existing prescription drug. It is just the reverse. P5P, the natural and bioactive form of B6, has existed in food for as long as there have been humans and has been available as a supplement for years. Medicure seems to be saying: If it seems profitable, let’s just turn a critical vitamin, one essential for human life, into a drug, make it available only by subscription, and mark up the price. This is truly outrageous.

The FDA has not yet responded to Medicure’s petition. We have asked you in the past to send a message to the FDA and Congress protesting Medicure’s P5P grab, and the time has come to send some more messages. So if you haven’t sent in a message to the FDA and Congress yet, or even if you have, please send one today [2].


While we are discussing Vitamin B6, here is the latest scientific report. An analysis of 13 U.S., European and Asian studies of vitamin B6 and colon cancer, conducted from 2002-2009, has been published in a special edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Studies of the range of B6 doses found that vitamin B6 taken in higher doses reduced the risk of colon cancer by 21 percent. In one study, Dr. Susanna Larsson and her colleagues at Sweden’s National Institute of Environmental Medicine reported an inverse relationship between the intake of vitamin B6 or pyridoxine and the risk of colon cancer. Dr. Larsson linked the effect to bloodstream levels of pyridoxal-phosphate (PLP), the main active coenzyme form of vitamin B6 [3]. Pyridoxal-phosphate is also known as pyridoxal 5-phosphate or (as we referred to it above) P5P.

Don’t let the FDA take away our access to the natural and most bioavailable form of B6, P5P. Please take action now [2].


Article printed from Alliance for Natural Health – US:

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[1] Its effect on carpal tunnel can seem almost miraculous:*

[2] please send one today:

[3] inked the effect to bloodstream levels of pyridoxal-phosphate (PLP), the main active coenzyme form of vitamin B6:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Potassium Iodide

Radiation Dosage Chart

Usefulness of Iodine

Potassium Iodide 
pharmaceutical grade, professional product 

300 tablets
$32.00  price includes US shipping only

Please contact us for orders shipping to outside the US

Dulse, Kelp Bladderwrack and related products also available

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Orthomolecular Pioneer on Vitamin C

Should you decide to follow Dr Bate's advice you can buffer ascorbic acid with NAHCO3
The Best Vitamin
What's the best vitamin?  Of course as Linus Pauling and others before him found - it's Vitamin C.  But, there's a catch.  Because of the lies and distortions of the truth by Big Pharma, very few people get even close to what all primates (that's us and apes etc) really need for vitamin C.Did you know that the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) was originally set up only to PREVENT deficiency diseases?  Did you know that it was named MDA (MINIMUM Daily Allowance), and the change to RDA was promoted by both Big Pharma and Big Food.  Of course, Big Food simply wanted to be able to advertise and sell food as better than it was for profit.  And there is a lot of food promoted that is negative nutrition because of the sugar and crap in it - but it has FDA approval.The motive for Big Pharma was quite different.  If the true "values" of Vitamin C were known to the public, they would lose billions of sales.  So, Big Pharma has hired "tame" MD's to do so-called "scientific testing' that has shown vitamin C to be not effective against colds and flu viruses, let alone cancer etc.)  Vitamin C has proven over and over that it can cure cancers mediated by viruses.65 million years ago, the "primates" (including our ape ancestors) somehow lost one very important enzyme that is necessary to make the chemical change from glucose (blood sugar) into Vitamin C.  Virtually all other animals on the planet have this enzyme, and they manufacture their own Vitamin C to fight infection, both bacterial and viral.  Why do you suppose that meat eaters (our pet cats and dogs up to and including buzzards) can eat diseased meat unharmed?  They make their own Vitamin C as needed - we can't.So, what is a "REAL" RDA amount for daily health?  Go to a zoo, and talk to the primate vet, and you'll find that a 150 ape needs 4000mg daily. (Apes are more valuable than humans it would seem.  How can  75mg compare to 4000mg)?   That RDA is actually what we need as well, but Big Pharma controlling the Food and Drug Administration keeps it at 75 mg.  The sicker you are, the more drugs they sell, and the more profit.  It's as simple as that from the profit standpoint. But, since all other animals make their own "as needed", and this amount varies as the situation varies, so a 150 lb dog might make 5 grams of vitamin C in one day, and only 2 the next day.   Just what does Vitamin C do in the body IF (That's what's known as a BIG F) you get enough? 
  1.  It kills bacteria and virus cells much better than any antibiotic even invented.  And, it has no bad side effects like killing off the "good" bacteria in the gut, and ruining good digestive tract health.  
  2.  The ascorbic acid (same as made by other animals and cheapest of all forms) combines with all minerals in the blood, and takes them out of the body.  This includes all the toxic minerals such as mercury, lead, copper, etc. (The ascorbate forms (more expensive and sold as "pH neutral" do not do this very valuable work.   This works like expensive chelation and used correctly, vitamin C takes the calcium out of the plaque in the blood arteries and veins.  Since the calcium plaque is what holds the fatty acids into the arteries, then the fatty acids,(including cholesterol) melt away, and the multi-billion industry of "statins" loses a lot of bucks. Other animals have no cholesterol problems because of this.
By keeping this info secret, or by ridiculing it with phony tests, Big Pharma protects its profits - so a few people die - "so what" seems to be their attitude.   
 3. Since toxic minerals really put stress on the brain and body, the level of overall body stress is lowered, and this is critical to health.
The real problem is getting enough.  If you get a bacterial or viral infection, Vitamin C is used up very fast.  And, because both "germs" double in size every 20 minutes, it's going to take one hell of a lot to get ahead of it. 
Say you take 2000mg, and say that that kills one half of the "germs".  (If you start taking it early.) 20 minutes later, you're back to original size, and by the end of an hour, the number of "germs" is double to 4 times as when you started.  (Binary arithmetic is very fast to grow!)
Want a very efficient way to stop a cold or flu?  At the first sign of such, start taking 4000mg (4 grams) every 15 minutes.  Do this until you just start diarrhea,  (That's called "Bowel tolerance", and shows that you are getting at least a bit more than needed to solve the problem.)  Now cut back to 1000 mg per hour to be sure that the infection is "cured".  That's what I do, and I get rid of any symptoms within an hour or so.
So, I take 4000mg of Vitamin C daily, split into two doses, and if I cut myself, I put nothing on the cut, and let it scab over and never get infected.  I horrify MD's and Nurses by using insulin needles up to 10 shots to myself, and I don't even use alcohol.   
Now, there are many different forms of Vitamin C on the market, so how can you tell which is best for you?
The two different types are plain (cheap) ascorbic acid Vitamin C, (usually with a few bioflavinoids in it).  The second type is already mixed with some mineral such as Calcium Ascorbate, or Sodium Ascorbate.  These forms do NOT take out minerals, and therefore aren't as good (to me) as the plain and cheapest ones.  The plain  ascorbic acid is what all other animals make in their own body out of glucose.
(With all the sugar in our diet today, if we could get that enzyme back, we'd all live much better and longer.)
Do yourself a favor and go with the cheapest, as it's the best, and the most natural.  

Top posts from Natural Health News (from more than 30)

Jan 04, 2011
From ANH - The FDA has just notified small pharmacies that they will no longer be allowed to manufacture or distribute injectable vitamin C—despite its remarkable power to heal conditions that conventional medicine can't touch. ...
Sep 27, 2006
Other help for these glands are vitamin C and bee pollen. These glands are the 'fight or flight' center of your body and are often exhausted in stress. Alfalfa and spirulina may also be good to use for general support. ...
Feb 02, 2011
A 16-year study on the relationship between Vitamin C consumption and heart disease in women shows that Vitamin C supplement users reduce the risk of of non-fatal heart attacks and fatal heart disease by 28%, compared with non-users. ...
Jul 24, 2009
Vitamin C Facts. UPDATE: July 28 - Here is some additional information that may be useful to you regarding the flu propaganda. Additional vitamin C is helpful for your animal companions as well. I recently cured myself and my wife using ...

Water Pollution: Compound slows growth of nitrate-reducing bacteria

More reasons to use high quality probiOtics and the best water filter
Antibiotic Pollution May Increase Groundwater Nitrate
Charlie Schmidt
SIDE EFFECTS Antibiotics, such as sulfamethoxazole, could kill beneficial bacteria that clean up groundwater.
Decades after spawning a health care revolution, antibiotics are now common pollutants. Scientists' biggest concern about these emerging contaminants is that they promote the spread of resistance. But new research suggests they also harm the microbes that cleanse groundwater of dangerous compounds, particularly nitrates (Environ. Sci. Technol., DOI: 10.1021/es103605e).
High nitrate levels in drinking water can cause methemoglobinemia, a disease that decreases the blood's oxygen carrying capacity. Naturally-occurring bacteria in groundwater, such as Pseudomonas putida, can remove nitrates by reducing them to nitrogen gas.In Cape Cod, Mass., very high nitrate levels co-occur in groundwater with one of the most common antibiotics in the clinical arsenal: sulfamethoxazole (SMX). For nearly a decade, microbiologist Ronald Harvey and colleagues from the U.S. Geological Survey have tracked SMX and other groundwater pollutants at an aquifer that originates at the Otis Air National Guard Base, a heavily polluted site on Cape Cod. Other researchers had shown that high doses of SMX can interfere with bacterial nitrate reduction. But no one knew if a similar response might occur at environmentally-relevant concentrations.
To answer that question, Harvey's team first cultured bacteria from a non-contaminated portion of the aquifer. Next, they added nitrate to the cultures at levels measured in the environment, along with SMX at doses ranging from 0.005 to 2,000 µM. Bacterial growth rates dropped at all doses. At the environmentally relevant concentration of 0.005 µM SMX, the amount of total nitrate that the bacteria removed from the culture fell by nearly half. "We're demonstrating a clear biological effect," Harvey says. "And we're showing that in the same bacteria that live in this particular aquifer."
Harvey says that the next step would be to study the bacteria's response to SMX exposure in the aquifer itself.
USGS research hydrologist Dana Kolpin, who didn't participate in this study, thinks the results suggest that SMX contamination might account at least in part for high nitrate levels in the aquifer. "We can't jump to that conclusion yet," he says. "But the data suggest that's a hypothesis worth pursuing."
Chemical & Engineering News
ISSN 0009-2347
Copyright © 2011 American Chemical Society

Friday, March 18, 2011

Insurance Fraud & Big PhRMA

The problem of insurance fraud hits many segments of health care.  Before I moved to the west I was a witness in a large Medicare fraud case.  After moving west I was again a witness in several insurance fraud cases involving private insurance and Medicaid.

What struck me as curious was how Washington state dealt with one case involving Medicaid fraud and risk of grave harm to patients as well as a massive effort to fabricate medical records.  The nurse that led all these questionable activities was never investigated.  This was political as she was an inside member of WSNA and therefore could do no wrong. 

The accessory crime was failure on the part of the state's Medicaid fraud unit to not investigate this person who is still in practice in Whatcom County.  The Nursing QA office also failed to investigate and prosecute her while attacking the complainant as part of the cover up.

The clear violation of basic due process rights was staggering.

Lately I have another Medicare issue related to something similar.  I'm getting ready to contact the authorities in what seem to be like the case in this article.  Pay-offs for prescribing.

Our members of Congress, gladly raking in money from the pharmaceutical industry, seem to keep attacking the wrong folks too. 

Nero fiddles while Rome burns.

Massive health insurance fraud alleged in Bristol-Myers Squibb case

Thousands of California doctors were bribed as the company dangled illegal kickbacks and L.A. Laker 'happy hours,' California officials allege. The state has joined a previously sealed whistleblower lawsuit against the company.

By Duke Helfand and Marc Lifsher, Los Angeles Times
March 18, 2011

Pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb bribed thousands of California doctors and pharmacists to promote its drugs, using illegal kickbacks, lavish gifts and "happy hours" with the Los Angeles Lakers to expand its market share in the state, state officials said.

California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones announced Friday that his office had joined a previously sealed whistleblower lawsuit against the company, calling it the largest health insurance fraud case ever pursued by a California state agency.

Two of the three whistleblowers in the case are former Lakers player Lucius Allen and his wife, Eve, who worked for the drug company as employees and provided access to the basketball team, whose players participated in "Lakers Dream Camps" set up by the drug company for doctors and their family members, the lawsuit said. The lawsuit was filed in 2007 but was sealed until the state joined the case recently.

New York-based Bristol-Myers Squibb issued a statement: "Bristol-Myers Squibb believes this lawsuit has no merit and the company will defend itself vigorously."

The case is the latest major legal action against Bristol-Myers Squibb over allegations of fraud. The pharmaceutical giant paid $515 million in 2007 to settle allegations by the federal government and other states that it used a kickback scheme to defraud the Medicare and Medicaid insurance programs, officials said.

The California lawsuit alleges that Bristol-Myers Squibb targeted the private insurance industry, making thousands of payments to "high prescribing doctors" who wrote prescriptions for its well-known drugs, including Plavix, Abilify and Pravachol.

Jones said that insurance companies in California had spent more than $3.5 billion to cover the costs of the drugs Bristol-Myers Squibb sought to promote through its kickback scheme.

"We need to be sure that doctors are prescribing drugs because those drugs are best for their patients and not because a pharmaceutical company provided doctors with trips and kickbacks," Jones said. "These illegal practices drive up the cost of health insurance for millions of Californians."