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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Media Coverage Of Breast Cancer Focuses Too Little On Prevention, Study Suggests

Over the last 40 years too little has been promoted about prevention of cancer. Too little has been done to remove radiation as the main approach to screening, only to promote more cancer. Too little has been done to expose the Race for the Cure as one of the most non-effective fundraising stunts to come along. And too little has been done to fully educate people about the many very effective therapies outside of chemo and radiation; chemo and radiation leading to a very low and ineffective cure rate of 1-2 per cent.

This article gives you some more information -


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more. The standing cancer management system in North America is exactly what its economic ecosystem has bread. In countries with socialized medicine, where it cost the government to find/address/treat late stage disease, there are many mechanisms in play to promote prevention, early detection, and radiation free health maintenance. The outlets used range from, tax-based government subsidies to help promote healthily living to the media's proliferation of pro-prevention educational campaigns. The is of course completely converse to the status quo in the US, where late detection is all too common. While surfing the web I recently stumbles upon a great site dedicated to educating the public on the proactive early detection benefits of a new breast screening modality called infrared mammography. The site is: I found their "about infrared" section particularly informative. If any one has a chance to check it out, I'm curious of what others think.

Unknown said...

Thermography has been available for many years. It is safer, and does not promote cancer, while offering earlier detection.