Feb 21, 2011
I don't know where people's heads have been since the cholesterol bonanza
began, but my stand is that these pundits overlooked a known fact,
which now seems to be getting press after some 30 years. It's
Dec 23, 2008
Women in Government have a new ad campaign to push you to get
cholesterol testing. This same organization has been behind the Gardasil
propaganda campaign. For women especially, it is very important to get ...
Feb 23, 2008
studies have linked low cholesterol levels to higher death rates from
cancer in general, Dr. Kouichi Asano, of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, and
colleagues explain in the International Journal of Cancer. "With
respect to ...
Nov 14, 2008
been going this way for a while: even healthy people should be on the
cholesterol-reducing drugs known as statins. That, in a nutshell, is the
verdict of a study published over the weekend which found that even in
people ...
Can we please hear both sides
Another pertussis cluster has led to the banning of non-vaccinated
children from a school district in the Tucson area. In all the news
reports the issue of "non-vaccinated children" is the target or
emphasized catch phrase.
I recall writing an article in the mid 90s after interviewing a California (MD) pediatrician who also included homeopathy in his practice. His emphasis was that it is the non vaccinated child who is always the healthiest and has the most resistance to disease.
From NHN 2008: New Focus: Responding to Specific Queries
*** with thanks to Baba Ram Das and Bill Greenberg, MD (Harvard)
I recall writing an article in the mid 90s after interviewing a California (MD) pediatrician who also included homeopathy in his practice. His emphasis was that it is the non vaccinated child who is always the healthiest and has the most resistance to disease.
From NHN 2008: New Focus: Responding to Specific Queries
Now the idea today is that it is
the non-vaccinated adult whose childhood vaccine has worn off and has
not gotten a booster shot may be the new target. Or it could be a
combined attack.
A funny way to approach public health
if you ask me, after spending the bulk of my work over decades with a
strong public health focus.
Sadly little has changes at WA
DOH since Selecky's departure. Inslee replaced her with another non-
responsive bureaucratic hack.
Maybe, prhaps, this article will get some courageous health care providers thinking outside the box and give this a shot.
But alas, "here we are."***
While it is a tragedy that people are dying from the current pertussis outbreak, I believe it is important for facts rather than propaganda be provided to the community at large.
The AMA (American Medical Association) knew in the late 1920s that pertussis vaccine caused neurological problems.
Now we know that the pertussis vaccine is often associated with whooping cough outbreaks and many who have had the vaccine contract the disease.
And of course the friendly people at WA DOH are announcing everywhere that the only thing that will help this is to get the jab.
New Article re: WA DOH Vaccines and Fluoride
I encourage people to get the facts before you get the shot because the government or anyone giving out these vaccines is required by law to explain it to you, and give you the risk and benefit data as well. Usually you are not provided with this information in my experience.This article was originally entered here in April 2012:
You are probably not told that for whooping cough especially, that vitamin C is a valid and effective help. Vitamin A in the oil form (not single beta carotene) in short runs of high doses will help fight off pneumonia, and it works well with vitamin C. Usually I use liposomal vitamin C and Hanna Kroeger’s Sunny A.
Babies Sleep Better If They Are Drugged And Vaccinated In The Afternoon
Here is some information from a 1937 medical journal addressing this concern -“Ascorbic acid has a definite effect in shortening the period of paroxysms from a matter of weeks to a matter of days. We have not checked by cough plates or otherwise in this preliminary work to see whether the infectivity subsides simultaneously with the spasmodic symptoms, but are continuing with a larger series of cases in which these and other tests will be employed.TABLE
Case Age
(years) Sez Contact Duration of
Symptoms Treatment Results 1
R.T. 6 M School 6 weeks—typical 150 mg. per day7 days—cough reduced markedly
10 days—cough disappeared 2
C.H. 1� M Unknown
Temperature 102 F.
when men 3 weeks—typical
10 days “fever”
at homeinhalations
expectorants}3 days No effect
7 days—temperature normal, cough reduced
14 days—cough disappeared175 mg. daily—11 dys 3
M.C. 12 M School 10 days—typical 200 mg. daily6 days—cough reduced
13 days—only occasional night coughs
15 days—all cough absent 4
J.P. 6 F School over 4 weeks—
typical 200 mg. daily3 days—cough less, no vomiting
7 days—occasional cough 5
B.O. 2� M Known case 2 weeks—typical 250 mg. daily5 days—cough disappeared 6
H.F. 7 M School 2 weeks—typical 375 mg. daily4 days—cough less
9 days—night cough only
11 days—all cough absent 7
E.H. 22 Maid
Child in house had
whooping cough 4dys., paroxysmal
cough, vomited
once, no whooping500 mg. daily—3 days
125 mg. daily.4 days—cough less, no vomiting
6 days—coughed only once in 2 days
11 days—cough absent 8
B.P. 4 M Known case 10 days—typical500 mg. daily—4 days
250 mg. daily—4 days5 days—cough disappeared 9
M.W. 6� F School 2 weeks—typical500 mg. daily—4 days
250 mg. daily—5 days4 days—cough reduced
7 days—coughed once in 24 hours
9 days—cough disappeared 10
W.C. 4� F Sister (Case 9) 1 week—typical500 mg. daily—4 days
250 mg. daily—5 daysSame as for Case 9 The dosages used have been empirical with a tendency to use larger doses early in the disease as our experience of its effects progressed. The acid is available at reasonable prices, and the danger of overdosage seems negligible. Animals have received 2,000 times their estimated requirements without any deleterious effects. Any excess is excreted by the kidneys.
- A method has been described for the treatment of whooping cough by ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
- Ascorbic acid definitely shortens the paroxysmal stage of the disease, particularly if relatively large doses are used early in the disease.
The ascorbic acid used by us was the Hoffmann-LaRoche product sold under the trade name of “Redoxon”. Grootton and Beszonoff 4 have shown that the product is identical chemically, physically and biologically with the original product prepared by Szent-Gy�rgi.
- , T.: Vaccination against whooping cough, J. Am. M. Ass., 1933, 101: 137.
- , F.: Internat. Med. Digest, 1936, 29: 121.
- , H. H.: Whooping cough. Clin. J., 1936, 65: 246.
- , O. and Beszonoff, N.: Action de la vitamine C sur la toxine diphth�rique, et sensibilit� du bacille de la coqueluche vis-a-vis de l’hydroquinol et de le vitamine C. Ann. de l’Inst Pasteur, 1936, 56: 413.
- , P. and Sala, T.: Rev. fran�. De P�d., 1921. 4: 509. (Quoted by Grootton and Beszonoff).
- , J. and Niederberger, W.: Vitamin C In der Pneumonie-Behandlung., M�nch. med. Wochschr.. 1936, 83: 2074.
- , A.: Beobachtungen �ber Ascorbins�urewirkung bei der krupp�sen Pneumonie, Wien. Arch. f. inn. Med., (in press). (Quoted by Gander and Niederberger).
- , G. J. and Daniels, A. L: Vitamin C studies with children of pre-school age, J. Nutrit., 1936. 12: 15.
- , O. A. and King, C. G.: The distribution of vitamin C in plant and animal tissues and its determination, J. Biol. Chem., 1933. 103: 687.
- , M. Almaden, P. and King, C.G.: Vitamin content of human tissues, J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 106: 525.
From The Canadian Medical Association Journal, Volume 37, August 1937, Number 2, pp. 134-136″
*** with thanks to Baba Ram Das and Bill Greenberg, MD (Harvard)
Saturday, November 09, 2013
FLU FOR YOU? or Prevention
The fact is the practice of flu vaccination in the elderly is not based on evidence, but an article of faith.
Should the Elderly Get the FLU jab?
Use the search window in the right column to find our numerous posts on vaccines, flu, vitamin D, vitamin C, and more Natural Health News to keep you healthy and well...
From Dr Eisenstein
1. Get a Vitamin D blood
2. Make sure your whole family has adequate blood levels of Vitamin D this flu season (>50 to 80ng/ml). Most children and adults Vitamin D blood level is <30ng font="" ml.="">
Should the Elderly Get the FLU jab?
Use the search window in the right column to find our numerous posts on vaccines, flu, vitamin D, vitamin C, and more Natural Health News to keep you healthy and well...
From Dr Eisenstein
risk of children suffering from flu can be reduced by 50% if they
take vitamin D, doctors in
have found. The finding has implications for flu epidemics since
vitamin D, which is
produced by the human body when exposed to direct sunlight , has no
significant side effects, costs little and can be several times more
effective than antiviral drugs or vaccines according to research in
the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
one in ten children, aged six to 15 years, taking the sun shine
vitamin in a clinical trial came down with flu compared with one in
five given a dummy tablet. Mitsuyoshi Urashima, the Japanese doctor
who led the trial, told The Times that vitamin D was more effective
in preventing flu.
D was found to be even more effective when the comparison left out
children who were already given extra vitamin D by their parents,
outside the trial. Taking the sunshine vitamin was then shown to
reduce the risk of flu to a third of what it would otherwise be.
Damien Downing, a doctor and medical consultant has publicly stated
that governments "do like" epidemics as a chance to impose
their will. The London based doctor has been advising patients to
increase their vitamin D intake rather than get the vaccine.
might be shocked to know that there are many physicians in both
Canada and the United
who prescribe as much as 50,000 IU of vitamin D daily as a treatment
for a long list of
John Cannell, MD, suggests high dose vitamin D (50,000 IU) be
consumed for three days at the first sign of a cold or the flu. If
you have an infection, the truth is you need more vitamin D. In
other words, vitamin D acts as a natural antibiotic. It works against
every type of microbe (viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites).
D deficiency is common during the winter months, especially in
countries far north of
equator. Vitamin D acts as an immune system modulator, preventing
excessive production of inflammatory cytokines and increasing
macrophage (a type of white cell) activity. Vitamin D
stimulates the production of potent antimicrobial peptides in other
white blood cells and in epithelial cells lining the respiratory
tract, protecting the lungs from infection.
Percent Reduction In Flu Infections Using Vitamin D
354 children took part in the trial. Vitamin D was found to protect
against influenza A but not against the less common influenza B.
trial, which was double blind, randomised , and fully controlled
scientifically, was conducted by doctors and scientists from Jikei
University School of Medicine in Tokyo, Japan.
children were given a daily dose of 1200 IUs (international units) of
vitamin D over a period of three months. In the first month children
in the group taking the vitamin became ill just as often as those
taking the dummy tablet. But by the second month, when the vitamin
level in the children’s blood was higher, the advantage of the
vitamin was clear.
Japanese scientists, writing in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, say that the anti-
drugs zanamivir and oseltamivir reduce risk of flu infection by 8
percent in children who
been exposed to infection, compared with a 50 percent or greater
reduction with vitamin D.
are typically more effective than vaccines for the influenza virus
which suggests that
forms of medical intervention would consistently fail in similar
studies when pitted against
are expensive, and possibly toxic. Vitamin D additionally supports
bone health but is believed to reduce risks of cancer, heart disease,
diabetes and other illness, including various bacterial and viral
Japanese finding supports a theory that low blood levels of the
sunshine vitamin occurring in winter explain why flu epidemics
generally peak between December and March.
2. Make sure your whole family has adequate blood levels of Vitamin D this flu season (>50 to 80ng/ml). Most children and adults Vitamin D blood level is <30ng font="" ml.="">
Chronic conditions....................... 10,000IU daily
NB from Natural Health News:
A will assist in protecting lung health and against pneumonia.
Vitamin E is also helpful to carry oxygen across the alveolar
membrane in the lungs into the blood.
fat in your diet is required to absorb Vitamins A-D-E-K.
adequate daily vitamin C and probiotics. Always stay hydrated.
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